Tedora- kritische Esoterik Freunde- Spiritualität -

Forum: Bernard Bonvivant, Autor des Romans "Das Chaos"

The one and the other, and the New Year

The one and the other, and the New Year

The One: A new year?
The Other: And what happens next?
The One: Do not panic new times will come.
The Other: Who told you this?
The One: I asked the fortune-teller.
The Other: What told you the aunt?
The One: She said at 1. Januar begins a new era.
The Other: Strongly this idea! What did you pay for it?
The One: 20 pounds!
The Other: If this was not too expensive.
The One: No, what are you thinking. This is Investiton for my future.
The Other: My future is free.

© Bernard Bonvivant, Schriftsteller, Germany,
Autor des Romans: "Das Chaos"