Tower of Babel Forum - Building the Tower

Fawlty Towers - Group 5

Fawlty Towers - Group 5

A) Minefield
Okay, no one really needs towers like this.

B) Rig Dangerous
(Exiter's work)
This is frightening!
I can't remember any serious tower using this effect. We should do something about that.

C) Push it good!
Huh! Very green. Rather easy, but I like the second level.

D) Highway to Hell
I'm such an asshole...
No, not really. If I were an asshole, I'd have put the block-trap on the upper level.
Anyway, I guess there's no straightforward tower as tough as this one.

E) Die Hard
Forget it...

F) Die Harder
Hm. Doesn't satisfy me either. It's a shame I wasted those names on these two towers.

G) Follow me...
(Exiter's work)
Very well designed lower level! I haven't seen this concept before.

H) Timesquare
(Exiter's work)
I was a bit perplexed until I remembered something Z said recently. And suddenly the title made perfect sense!
It wouldn't have done the tower any harm if the floor had a different color, though.

I) The Inner Sanctum
This is a real find-the-secret-passage-into-the-pharao's-tomb kind of level. Z will hate it. But even though it took me a hell of a lot of time to find that damn Klondike, I think this is one of the better exploration towers.

P.S.: You find the disk-image with this group in the thread "New old towers approaching!".

Re: Fawlty Towers - Group 5

a) Minefield
Ugh. A mine maze with no camera. Oh, well; the tight time limit and the somewhat disorienting exchange at the end make up for it. Took several tries, but in the end I even had two seconds left.
Making use of the Exchanger in this way is pretty cool.

b) Rig Dangerous
Exiter at work, again. And this time I'm completely clueless. I just don't get it. You can hide from the time bombs in the corner, but after they blow there's no more time left; the mine cannot be passed; the bombs cannot be moved; the time's too short to run around the bombs; I give up. Either a trick tower, or broken.
Fawlty seems to know more than he's letting on...

c) Push it good
After giving it some thought I finially decided to freeze the Worm right at the beginning to simplify handling of the mine on the lower level. It can be triggered by pushing the block into it. I bet you didn't count on that when you planned this, though it wouldn't be that much more difficult to limit the worm's movement with the block and wait for the proper moment to push the mine in.
A very nice tower; the trap on the upper level is pretty obvious, but of course you just have to try without using the Zapper, at least once...
I like the effect created by the different shades of green you chose for the floors. It looks like the tiles are fading into the outside floor.
This is really one nice tower.

d) Highway to Hell
And a very fitting title, make no mistake.
Earlier I'd tried using worms as moving cover from Zappers myself, but I never got it quite right. Instead I used a lizard in "Dog Houses". One of those towers where everything is completely obvious, but to get that timing just exactly right will need a few more attempts, I'm afraid.
Please tell me this actually works and there's no hidden turbo-lift or some other catch before I try again.
No, of course there isn't. It's just damn hard.

e) Die Hard
VERY nice. Stuck between up and down... I actually needed several tries.

f) Die Harder
Oh my, it's getting complicated. (Several attempts at juggling spiders while trying to get everything done at once)
Oh MY, tricked myself again. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Forgot that objects blown up by Time Bombs don't count. After that, it was very easy.

g) Follow me...
How could I resist an inviting look from that Watcher's lovely eyes? The gag with the blocked lift nearly made me fume. Well, that was several minutes ago, and by now I'm laughing. Exiter's twisted sense of humour... It is quite funny, actually.
He could have made everything still worse by hiding that Klondike on the fourth level inside. Imagine people's faces when they realize they've just blown the (apparently) last Klondike!

h) Timesquare
Ohoo... delayed forced lifts. This also works with pushed objects, by the way: if you push a frozen block, the sound effect will be played, but the block moves only after the Freezer has deactivated.
Apparently the Freezer creates a kind of stasis field, which works even on kinetic energy! Amazing.
Nice and simple.

i) The inner Sanctum
Oh no... a huge building with grey floors. Not right now, sorry.
(Fawlty knows my ways and thoughts...)

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.

Re: Fawlty Towers - Group 5

Neither nor, I swear!!

You're right. Damn.

Absolutely right! Did you finish it?

Really? I got it right the first time, which made it quite boring.

Having made you even *think* it was complicated gives this tower some kind of Daseinsberechtigung.

Re: Fawlty Towers - Group 5

Honestly? You're not shitting me? Hell... How can you overlook something on a tower like that?
Ermmh... uh, well, not quite... (coughs)
That first trap is really threatening to upset my emotional balance.
You can say that twice. I wanted to blow up the Zappers with the Timebombs, which would have required the Pusher, so the Bomb at the far right would have to be pushed back and then Zapper and Pusher would have to switch places in no time at all, while the Grabber would have to reach the lift...
I noticed the hardest towers are those where you allow yourself to be mislead. Artinum is quite good at this, by the way. Your Killswitch! was another great example of this strategy.
I think my towers usually are much too forward.

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.

Re: Fawlty Towers - Group 5

I'd find it difficult to say Daseinsberechtigung once.


Re: Fawlty Towers - Group 5

Right... I thought I'd put a bit of Daseinsberechtigung into my life and tackle those three missing towers.

-Rig Dangerous
This is utterly strange. Is it the time-limit, the way the bombs are arranged, or a combination of both, or something completely different? I solved it, but I think this ought to be forbidden.

-Highway to Hell
That first trap really is a mean bastard. I finally resorted to programming delays into the trusty Grabber, and after way too many attempts I managed to pass the block trap.
The other traps were a breeze in comparison.

-Inner Sanctum
I'll grudgingly admit having had fun solving that one. The puzzle is very well constructed.
All right, it is exceedingly clever.

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.

Re: Fawlty Towers - Group 5

It has absolutely nothing to do with the time-limit; it's merely a consequence of the sequential way object behaviour is processed in the game: One mine explodes and destroys the adjacent one (plus other objects in it's vicinity). Result: The second mine can't destroy anything else. Simple as that.

Just as I said: If I were an asshole, I'd have rearragend the trap order...

Thank you!

Re: Fawlty Towers - Group 5

When we meet next time you'll be glad you didn't.

Concerning the art of misdirection and allowing other people to make fools of themselves (i.e. avoiding straight-forward solutions and puzzles, which give themselves away at a glance).
That tower I was talking about, which nearly made me choke myself because of my own stupidity -
run the remake and jump to tower 50 - Grabbing at straws.
Oh boy...

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.

Re: Fawlty Towers - Group 5

I just tried that one. Okay, on the first try I was mislead, too. But then it wasn't too difficult. Anyway, I understand what you mean. Sometimes we're just blind. It's not understanding what's missing, it's simply SEEING the decisive element.

By the way, I started to make a nice excel sheet with our homegrown towers along with all comments posted yet. This might help to get an overview of all our stuff some day.

Re: Fawlty Towers - Group 5

What's about a severity (Schwierigkeitsgrad) in this excel sheet? If you want to have all your towers in the remake (also in the final and published version?) it's good to have an overview about severity of all towers, so we can sort them in a tower library...

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