Tower of Babel Forum - Building the Tower

Posting your favourite towers.

Posting your favourite towers.

A few ground rules are probably needed here or we'll be drowning in towers that no-one can use.

First, please make your towers possible, unless you're trying to demonstrate something. If they are just for fun, please say so.

Place your towers in a group so that we can play them from the Custom Game option rather than load them in the designer and get an unwelcome peek... passwords are not essential. Also, there is no need to fill up all nine towers in a group.

Please give a brief description for / story behind your towers. Look at Z's post in "Homegrown Towers 1" for a good example.

And finally, until such time as a PC version appears, post your towers by uploading ADF files (feel free to ZIP or RAR them).

Finally, how about each new block of towers gets its own topic? Then we can place comments and criticisms as posts, so we don't get confused about which group is which!


Re: Posting your favourite towers.

Right. I also suggest you put a smiley in the header of the thread containing the disk image, so we can sort them out more easily. In fact, I'm going to do this right now to all the threads containing towers.

I'm also going to take the liberty to "edit" this post of Artinum, that is, turn it into an announcement so it will stick on top of the list.

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.

Re: Posting your favourite towers.

Ah, I was wondering why I'd apparently posted a thread yesterday that I didn't remember! (Well, I remember posting it, just not yesterday...)
