Tower of Babel Forum - Climbing the Tower

Getting ToB to run on the old Atari ST emulator

Getting ToB to run on the old Atari ST emulator

There are few ".ST" and ".MSA" disk images of ToB in the world wide web, which are cracked and don't work with more than the first tower group like the disk image from crack group "Autmation" (Disk Menu 301). Also there are ToB images from Demo version of old atari game magazines.

For example free Atari (ST/E) emulators are:

- SainT (
- STeem (
- STonX
- Hatari
- Aranym
- Castaway

I recommend SainT (for creating Snapshots of current RAM content). It can handle ".ST" and ".MSA" disk images like other formats.

The ".MSA" disk image, which is attached to this topic (compressed with ZIP), works with all Tower Groups (and doesen't hang in the game).

IMPORTANT!!! You must have purchased an original copy of the game to be able to legally use this!

ToB Remake - (158 kByte)
anzeigen - save
File was downloaded 65 times.

Re: Getting ToB to run on the old Atari ST emulator

Yeah, very nice emulator! Makes playing extremely comfortable, since you jump into the gate at the exaxt point you left it.

I have one problem, though: I still can't use savedisks!
I tried preparing disk images with the tower designer menu, but I always get error messages like "cannot format game disk". Does anyone have an EMPTY disk image for me? Or even a ToB savedisk image I can use?