Tower of Babel Forum - The Tower Inn

Tic tac and talk

Re: Tic tac and talk

No, it doesn't. I could definitely see any person even contemplating making public such a (surely fabled, non-existing) video to any audience greater than 1 person facing serious trouble.
There are things man was not meant to see.
Or even mention.

Which reminds me I still haven't seen episode 6 of Fawlty Towers, where Basil can't help mentioning certain events.

(Heavyhanded attempt at misdirecting attention)

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.

Re: Tic tac and talk

Oh, I'd love to see the fawlty towers series again! Though I fear I wouldn't like it as much as I did when I first saw it. Anyway, does anyone know if it runs anywhere on tv?

That's the good thing about video tapes. Some day you'll accidentally recover them in some drawer and get back all the fun. Like with this funny old amateur star trek movie..... *gg*

Re: Tic tac and talk

UK Gold show a lot of old programmes. I'm sure I saw some FT at one point, though I'm apparently the only person in the universe who doesn't find it hysterically funny.


Re: Tic tac and talk

You're obviously too british to enjoy british humour.