Tower of Babel Forum - The Tower Inn

Useful vocabulary

Useful vocabulary

Recently stumbled upon the English word for "Arschgeweih" - it's "tramp stamp", or so I'm told.
Sounds very American.
Note it down in your little books.

Dr. Zarkov
"Quick, Flash! We must save the Earth!"

Re: Useful vocabulary

Tramp Stamp? Was im der Welt?


Re: Useful vocabulary

Really? I can't imagine any tramp with so little self-respect that he or she'd wear an Arschgeweih. But it seems to be true. Though the term is probably not very widespread (only 573 hits on google). Other names used for it seem to be "Ass Antler" and "Santa Cruz License Plate". I especially liked the term "Gramp Stamps" for what those things'll look like in 50 years. *g*
By the way, if you're looking for a very different approach to learning English, check out

Hates California, it's cold and it's damp,
that's why the lady wears a stamp...

Re: Useful vocabulary

I think it's one of those words one ought to know. I also like "rozzer" and "razzmatazz".
Today is a very good day for words with r and lots of z.

Dr. Zarkov
"Quick, Flash! We must save the Earth!"

Re: Useful vocabulary


Re: Useful vocabulary

Why is kerangatang not a word? I mean, it is a word, obviously, but the world simply refuses to acknowledge it!
There's a volcano by the name of "Karangatang" somewhere in Indonesia, I think. That the best you can do, world?

Dr. Hans Zarkov
Rocket scientist & freelance genius
Formerly of NASA
Deathrays a specialty

Re: Useful vocabulary

Well, there's this rock magazine called Kerrang!
We could ask them to extend their merchandise catalog to tangas with a Kerrangatanga-print. That could help to... err... spread the word...

Re: Useful vocabulary

Good grief. What punilicious mergles you are all combobulating!

Anyone would flabber that we were just neogenesising these vocabulations.


PS: On the subject of names (including those of volcanoes) I am aware that there is a website called Art-i-Num, and that it is something to do with (gasp!) art. I don't recall now what the URL was but I *think* the site was in German. Any of you familiar with it?

Re: Useful vocabulary

(pointing finger)

Sorry, but never heard of it. Tried de, com, uk, au, net, org etc, nothing. Kerangatang!!

Dr. Hans Zarkov
Rocket scientist & freelance genius
Formerly of NASA
Deathrays a specialty

Re: Useful vocabulary

A quick google search revealed 1360 hits on artinum (uh, that must've hurt...), the first of which leads to, a company providing stuff for museums and gallerys. Guess that's what you were looking for.
I also found this:
"Dr.Zarkov's Golden Amiga Games Encyclopedia"