von Tschicki am 15.10.17, 01:27
Re: Kriegswaffe Wetter (HAARP)
Ionospheric Heaters worldwidehttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/B0NxrtsCcAE0N75.jpg Auch auf den Falkland Inseln! GIRO nochmalhttps://2.bp.blogspot.com/-uKu04o31oWY/WA6LVQzPfvI/AAAAAAAAJRQ/hfLTHa1ZBXwp66uQrPjLHlSll4qEUsTcQCLcB/s1600/HAARP%2BGIRO.jpeg
von Tschicki am 15.10.17, 01:31
Re: Kriegswaffe Wetter (HAARP)
US Air Force Admits They Can Control Weather (21st Century Geopolitics) The US Air Force and DARPA would like us to believe that they have stopped using HAARP in Alaska for research and experiment. Even then, we all know that there are other HAARP systems out there in the form of radar communication and surveillance systems that are rigged on top of mobile platforms that are deployable anywhere in the world.https://www.theeventchronicle.com/study/us-air-force-admits-they-can-control-weather/#
von Tschicki am 15.10.17, 01:52
Re: Kriegswaffe Wetter (HAARP)
What Is This? Massive Anomaly from South America to Antarctica Caught On MIMIChttps://www.sawnet.org/video/yxcDy0kxt4KM Unser Wetter hier hat sich veraendert. ................................. 'HAARP' TTA SHOCKS THE WORLD with Ascension Isle Hydroacoustic SOUTH ATLANTIC DIAMOND FLARE !!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=isG6V7RcF7E
von Tschicki am 12.03.18, 23:05
Re: Kriegswaffe Wetter (HAARP)
Das globale HAARP-Netzwerk: Die neue Dimension des Schreckens (Videos) Mehr lesen auf https://www.pravda-tv.com/2018/03/das-globale-haarp-netzwerk-die-neue-dimension-des-schreckens-videos/#71v1K5XVycE5mmg7.99
von Tschicki am 29.07.18, 16:57
Re: Kriegswaffe Wetter (HAARP)
HAARP , DIE ULTIMATIVE ENERGIEWAFFEhttps://www.aktiendaten.de/staatsterrorismus/klimawandel-und-haarp/index.html
von Tschicki am 22.08.18, 22:55
Re: Kriegswaffe Wetter (HAARP)
Das globale HAARP-Netzwerk: Die neue Dimension des Schreckens (Videos)https://marbec14.wordpress.com/2018/03/11/das-globale-haarp-netzwerk-die-neue-dimension-des-schreckens-videos/
von Tschicki am 04.01.19, 02:22
Re: Kriegswaffe Wetter (HAARP)
Und in China!!! China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation (CRIRP) Ionospheric Laboratory, Xinjiang (Sinkiang) Region https://www.thelivingmoon.com/45jack_files/03files/CRIRP_China_Research_Institute_of_Radiowave_Propagation.html