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Argentina, Chile and Uruguay appeal for an urgent political dialogue in Venezuela

Argentina, Chile and Uruguay appeal for an urgent political dialogue in Venezuela

Argentina, Chile and Uruguay appeal for an urgent political dialogue in Venezuela

Argentina, Chile and Uruguay in a joint statement released on Friday, called for political dialogue in Venezuela and offered to help with a “national reunion” of the political and social forces of the country. The appeal, with utmost respect for the principle of non interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela, was made extensive to the government, the National Assembly, under opposition control, and all political and social groups.


Re: Argentina, Chile and Uruguay appeal for an urgent political dialogue in Venezuela

Dialog in Venezuela möglich, Kritik an deutscher Berichterstattung

Unasur bietet Vermittlung an. Milizen und Armee bei Manöver. Oberstes Gericht gibt Dekret von Maduro statt. Kritik an Bericht der ARD über Proteste
Von Harald Neuber
