Where dreams come true - English corner

Hey ya outside

Re: Hey ya outside

I love this Interview, there are never Interviews like that, and i think the guys had a good lough during the Interview, cause we have a good lough reading it

~Member of the Markzi-Clan~

Re: Hey ya outside

does anybody outthere can give this interview to me????i´d like to read it as well......can you scan it and then post here????would be quite fine...thx

It´s about a guy that´s been fooled again and he can´t believe that he´s the fool again cos he was the fool before and now he´s the fool again... (Mark talking ´bout Fool Again)


Re: Hey ya outside

well, i´m such a lovely person i post it here, must search it before

only 5 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: Hey ya outside

The Star Interview: Westlife

It's 2:30pm on a chilly Wednesday afternoon. We're sitting in a musty snooker hall in London's Kings Cross waiting for the Westlife boys to join us for a Rat-Pack inspired shoot. And, of course, they're late. Typical, eh?

The boys are in town to promote their new swing album, "Allow Us To Be Frank", which hits the shops in November. It has been a tough year for the band, after Brian McFadden quit suddenly in the spring. A lot is riding on the new album and the boys are keen to ensure everybody knows about it.

Finally, 20 minutes late, Westlife arrive, all dolled up in their Rat Pack gear. They look great, and, boy, are they eager to shoot some pool with us. But what we really want to know about, of course, is what they make of the Brian and Kerry saga, their own love lives, and whether Mark Feehily is hiding a secret boyfriend. So after a few quick games, we get firmly stuck in...

Right, let's ask you straight. After all this time, aren't you sick of being seen as a bunch of Cliff Richards?
Shane: People call us squeaky clean all the time, but we don't try to be, we just kind of are. We're lads, we have a drink, but we don't try to create dirty stories like some other pop stars do.
Nicky: To be honest, we don't care what people think of us. If they think we're in bed at 10pm in frilly pyjamas, that's up to them.

So are you telling us you wear frilly pyjamas?
N: Ha ha ha ha. No, I don't wear any pyjamas, to be totally honest with you.
Kian: We're the same as any 24-year-olds. We do go out, and if that means staying out until 9am in the morning –- which it usually does –- so be it. Besides, people don't think we're squeaky clean any more. There have been far too many pictures of us falling out of nightclubs.

Really? We don't seem to have seen that many...
K: We're good at keeping away from photographers.
N: Not that I'm slagging off other bands, but I think it's more classy not to be pictured coming out of those same old clubs. A great night out for me doesn't involve a paparazzi shot at the end of it.

You're pop stars, you must have dabbled in sex, booze and orgies...
N: We're good, well brought up lads. I think it's an Irish thing. We weren't into drugs and all that s***e. Yeah, we've got pissed out of our heads, but we've never done drugs or had orgies.
Mark: Before I got into this, I was warned about getting mixed up in drugs and drink and all that s***, so I expected to see it everywhere I went. But over six years, we've only been offered drugs around five times, which is a good figure.

And you've always said no, we hope!
M: Oh Jesus, of course we said no.
S: We made a rule from the very beginning that we wouldn't get involved in drugs because, if we did, it would really mess up things with the band.

Did you ever get, er, close to your fans?
S: There was definitely a lot of girls for the guys, but I was happy with Gillian.

But in the earlier days, when you were 18, 19, you must have wanted to stick your bits about...
S: Jesus Christ, what are you like?
M: Look, we were 18 doing what normal 18-year-olds do.

And you guys must still be beating girls off with a stick. How d'ya cope?
K: It depends on where you go. If you go to those wannabe nightclubs, where all those so-called celebs hang out, that's where you'll find those leeches who want to be with you just because of who you are. If they come near me, I just tell them to f*** off. Give me a local boozer in Sligo any day.

Brian was the victim of a kiss-and-tell. Were you all on the same trip when he got naughty with that lap dancer?
N: Yeah, it was on Brian's stag do. We only found out when a fan handed us the Sunday newspaper. Brian was shocked as he didn't know it was going to be in the paper either.

When the story came out in the papers, were you angry with Brian because he'd tarnished Westlife's good reputation?
N: No, not at all. We definitely weren't worried about our image.
K: We were more worried for Brian. We'd never ever turn our back on him. It really pissed us off when we read stories that we forced him out of the band because we couldn't forgive him. That's all s***e. We gave all our love to both Brian and Kerry.

Did you tell him off, though?
N: Absolutely not. It was none of our business, just as Brian and Kerry's split isn't anyone's business. We wish the pair of them all the best. They are both lovely.

But their split must have been a shock?
K: Well, we didn't know what we going on. It was a big shock. We know as much as you.
M: Look, Brian and Kerry are two of our best friends. It's their business and they will work it out to the best of their ability. We're talking about people's lives, so it's not right for us to gossip about it. They need space.

After Brian-gate, do your partners trust you when you're away on tour?
S: Well, I don't think Gillian would have married me if she didn't trust me. If you're going to get into this, your lady has to be totally trusting. She has to understand that you'll be away a lot, otherwise it'll never work. After seven years, I really do hope that she trusts me.

Do you think she'd ever let the milkman in to leave an extra delivery while you're on the road though?
S: Er, I don't know. I doubt it.

Part of the reason Brian quit was because he missed his family when he was away. How do you deal with it?
S: It's still hard. You miss people terribly. But you still have to go and do your job. That's the life we've chosen.

When you get back from travelling all over the world, are you and Gillian like a pair of rabbits?
S: Obviously when you're home you want to hug and kiss or whatever. That's all you need to know. But of course I spend a lot of, er, personal time with Gillian. As much as I can.

Is it easy to keep the passion alive when you're away so much?
N: Georgina joins me all the time. I think it would be a lot more difficult if we had kids. She flies out to me when I am on tour. We cope with it all very well.

So what do you get up to?
N: Well, fella, I'm not going to discuss our sex life, if that's what you want, but it's important to keep the spark alive. As time goes on you do become close friends. We've only been married a year but she's fast become my soulmate. You have to keep the sparkle there and give each other a few little surprises from time to time.

Ooh-er! So has Georgina ever come home and found you in a French maid's outfit?
N: Ha ha ha! No she bloody hasn't. She has caught me in other outfits. More masculine ones. ---*lol* ...sehr interessant nicky ...

Really? What like? A fireman's outfit?
N: No.

N: No. I'm not gonna answer you, so move on.

Er, ok. So, Kian, do you get to see Jodi [Albert] much?
K: Well, at the moment I get to see her about one day a week.

Blimey, it sounds like a prison visit.
K: Well if you love someone, it makes no difference.

Do you think Jodi's the one?
K: You know what? I do. So far, so good. Unless something drastic changes. With me and Jodi, it's nice not to see each other every day because when we do hook up, it's a lot more exciting. She's leaving Hollyoaks in November, so we should see each other a lot more then.

Mark, you're the only single member now. What's going on? Are you fussy or what?
M: In the band everyone's attached, but my other group of friends are single. I just haven't found someone I want to get into a long-term relationship with. It'd be great if they walked in the door right now, but I don't feel the need to go on a desperate search to marry someone. --- they?? warum nicht she??

Do the constant rumours that you're gay piss you off?
M: No, they don't bother me in the slightest. Being in a boy-band you get asked that all the time. I think it's funny. --- er hat nicht gesagt, dass sie nicht stimmen

Jordan once said she fancied you because she liked "gay-looking guys".
M: She said that? Well, I'm flattered she fancied me. But I prefer more down-to-earth people. I like to go out with someone who's not in the public eye.

Blu Cantrell apparently fancies one of you, too. Bearing in mind she has a porn past, would you be scared stiff if she came onto you?
M: What? She had a porn past?

Yeah, she did softcore. Or was it hardcore?
S: It was some kind of core.
N: Yeah, but not Andrea Corr.
M: Well I don't really know anything about her, so I can't really say, can I?

So what are your romantic prospects looking like?
M: Well, it's personal. If I find someone, I'd hate to think anyone not involved could ruin my relationship. I'd like to have a proper go of it without anyone sticking their noses in. Okay?

We gotcha, Mark. We'll butt out now, then...

only 5 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: Hey ya outside

Oh my God!!! Mark is such a cuteeeee!!!

~Member of the Markzi-Clan~

Re: Hey ya outside

thx you´re soooo nice to me hugs and kisses for you from me

It´s about a guy that´s been fooled again and he can´t believe that he´s the fool again cos he was the fool before and now he´s the fool again... (Mark talking ´bout Fool Again)


Re: Hey ya outside

hugs and kisses back to ya

only 4 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: Hey ya outside

Hey @ all!

I'm sooo bored @ the moment!
I wanna stay out today, but it's so early for going now...
So I have 2 wait,wait, wait!
I'm new on this forum (?? - Whats "forum" in English?? )
Actually, I was on another forum, and i only clicket onto the link of markfan24

Re: Hey ya outside

lol gilliana_Babe.. (don't know ur name sry:))

"forum" is also in english "forum";)... lol nice to have u here ..WLCOME:)...
before u were in the official westlife forum right?

Re: Hey ya outside

Hearty WLcome, Gilliana_Babe!!! Nice to have you here!

~*~ Proud Markzi-Clan Member ~*~

Read my FF "Love doesn't have to hurt"!!!