Where dreams come true - Mark Feehily

- + MARK JR. -- FEE'S CHILDHOOD + - :nut:

Re: - + MARK JR. -- FEE'S CHILDHOOD + - :nut:

wie bist du nur darauf gekommen? aber ich versuchs weiterhin

only 4 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: - + MARK JR. -- FEE'S CHILDHOOD + - :nut:

lol wirst schon schaffen

Re: - + MARK JR. -- FEE'S CHILDHOOD + - :nut:

war das jetz eigtnlich scho drin??hab hier zwar gestern mal alles durchgeguckt...aber...kann mich nich mehr erinnern..

"I can't say the word... I can say most words to be honest. Actually, how can I tell you the word if I can't say it?" - Mark Feehily (....just try it, Mark!!!!!)



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Re: - + MARK JR. -- FEE'S CHILDHOOD + - :nut:

oder des..
na???wer findet n marky?????

"I can't say the word... I can say most words to be honest. Actually, how can I tell you the word if I can't say it?" - Mark Feehily (....just try it, Mark!!!!!)



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Re: - + MARK JR. -- FEE'S CHILDHOOD + - :nut:

wat ne klasse ey!! klein kunderbunt und....schlimm

Re: - + MARK JR. -- FEE'S CHILDHOOD + - :nut:

only 3 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: - + MARK JR. -- FEE'S CHILDHOOD + - :nut:

ich finde den nicht bild ist so dunkel

only 3 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: - + MARK JR. -- FEE'S CHILDHOOD + - :nut:

yo..so saß ich auch immer da...bis ich irgednwann dachte...vielleicht der da ganz vorne allein in der mitte?! bin aber net sicher..weil der da sieht so aus, als träge er ne brille...hat mark je ne brille getragen?!

"I can't say the word... I can say most words to be honest. Actually, how can I tell you the word if I can't say it?" - Mark Feehily (....just try it, Mark!!!!!)



Re: - + MARK JR. -- FEE'S CHILDHOOD + - :nut:

frag ich mich auch die ganze zeit

only 3 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: - + MARK JR. -- FEE'S CHILDHOOD + - :nut:

denn ma fix n andres bild..

"I can't say the word... I can say most words to be honest. Actually, how can I tell you the word if I can't say it?" - Mark Feehily (....just try it, Mark!!!!!)



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