Where dreams come true - Mark Feehily


Re: Brusthaarpix

ich sag nur eins.....oh man sieht der geil aus

It´s about a guy that´s been fooled again and he can´t believe that he´s the fool again cos he was the fool before and now he´s the fool again... (Mark talking ´bout Fool Again)

Re: Brusthaarpix

*hust* *staub vor der nase wegwedel*

schaut mal hier

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dyin'
that never learns to live.

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Re: Brusthaarpix

sag mal wo hast du das bild aus deiner sig her? is ja voll niedlich...


---Alle "Do you love me" bei den Fictions lesen---

Re: Brusthaarpix

nun ja *uhm* genauso wie die sig: geklaut, aber *psst*

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dyin'
that never learns to live.

Re: Brusthaarpix

mach ich auch immer so woher haste die denn? *lol*


---Alle "Do you love me" bei den Fictions lesen---

Re: Brusthaarpix

naja eigentlich hat jenny die ja geklaut die ist vom com board die sind da alle so kreativ......

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dyin'
that never learns to live.

Re: Brusthaarpix

auch mal gucken gehen muss...* danke!


---Alle "Do you love me" bei den Fictions lesen---

Re: Brusthaarpix

da hab ich auch das nette ava her

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dyin'
that never learns to live.

Re: Brusthaarpix

das kannte ich aber im vid is das geile, weil man da die "töne" hört


---Alle "Do you love me" bei den Fictions lesen---

Re: Brusthaarpix

ja weißt du, wie die solche avas machen?

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dyin'
that never learns to live.