Where dreams come true - Mark Feehily

Mark-Pix-Topic #5

Re: Mark-Pix-Topic #5

jep.....is von der aller ersten dvd/video......da wurden doch alle vorgestellt und zu hause besucht.....und marky hat nicht sein haus gezeigt sondern hazelwood.......und da am see saß er ganz schüchtern......*dahinschmilzt*

It´s about a guy that´s been fooled again and he can´t believe that he´s the fool again cos he was the fool before and now he´s the fool again... (Mark talking ´bout Fool Again)

Re: Mark-Pix-Topic #5

cool das würde ich auch mal gerne sehen!!!!!

Shane: *sing*Wild thing.. you make my ding schwing.. you make every ding schwing *sing

"I just cant get Shane outta my head,
that boy is all I think about"

(cant get you outta by head) - Kylie

Re: Mark-Pix-Topic #5 o.T.

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dyin'
that never learns to live.

look.jpg (11 kByte, 500 x 375 Pixel)

look2.jpg (11 kByte, 500 x 375 Pixel)

awww.jpg (14 kByte, 500 x 375 Pixel)

Re: Mark-Pix-Topic #5

hahahah v6n she's the one ne hahahahaha find ich auch klasse

Re: Mark-Pix-Topic #5


Re: Mark-Pix-Topic #5


ich fand das sooo süß, hab ich gleich suchen müssen und fotografiert

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dyin'
that never learns to live.

Re: Mark-Pix-Topic #5

ahahahahaha wie süsss!!!!!! der guckt ungefähr so: Hilfe, was will das ding da neben mir von mir? Holt mich heir rauuuussss! *gg*

Dumdidumdidum kp was für ne Sig ich machen soll....Dumdidumdidum

Re: Mark-Pix-Topic #5

hahaha ja

Re: Mark-Pix-Topic #5

richtig heißt das
"ich bin ein star-holt mich heir raus" :lachtot:


Re: Mark-Pix-Topic #5

*gg* jo stimmt!

Dumdidumdidum kp was für ne Sig ich machen soll....Dumdidumdidum