Where dreams come true - Spieleecke

At the moment

Re: At the moment

gar nichts *lol*

~*~ Proud Markzi-Clan Member ~*~

Read my FF "Love doesn't have to hurt"!!!

Re: At the moment

great balls of fire von wl und gleich wieder twist and shout lolsen

Das R im Deutschen R'n'B .....R(amsi)'n'B

Re: At the moment

westlife - i promise you that

Re: At the moment

wat ich grad hör?????holy night by mark feehily *lautmitgrölt*

It´s about a guy that´s been fooled again and he can´t believe that he´s the fool again cos he was the fool before and now he´s the fool again... (Mark talking ´bout Fool Again)


Re: At the moment

Westlife- What becomes of the brokenhearted

Re: At the moment

every little thing u do

von wem war das bloß?

only 5 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: At the moment

nervt dich das nicht schon längst?

only 5 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: At the moment

ne da bekomm ich immer gute laune...

In Gedenken an Benny... We miss u!!!

Re: At the moment

echt? nachdem du das seit tagen rauf und runter hörst? wahnsinn wl halt *lol*

only 5 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: At the moment

lol ne hör ich nurmachnmal..

In Gedenken an Benny... We miss u!!!