Abadon WoW Server

to the subject of the new patch

to the subject of the new patch


juz joined your sever..... nice rates and all..... but hell laggy and i got 512k cable and im in australia :(. Beside the point im here to address the issue on the 'BIG PATCH' (quotes stating it's big). I'm curious to when the patch is going to be released and it would be nice if you could give me a date (asap) :P

p.s fix up the lagg and creeps, patch 1.5.0 asap (lol....can't wait).

yours sincerely, Mr. Holydarkness........

Re: to the subject of the new patch

Not be4 monday I'm affraid. Greetz Enigma

Name : Enigma
Race : Troll
Class : Mage
Level : 37
Professions : Tailoring
Quote :The only ones who saw the end of war, are the dead