Aberdeen Poster Collective - Discussion

Our 'private' space is invaded, too...

Our 'private' space is invaded, too...

gosh, i just realised that, while we are 'invading' public space, the unstoppable army of adverts has finally started fighting back. there are ads for mobile phones and stuff all over the place in this forum... so please go and buy something off our sponsors, my friends ;) hehe quite ironic...

Re: Our 'private' space is invaded, too...

do you have any idea who does all that stencil grafitti? ie, "elki", and so on? its completely ubiquitous.


hello, im nu to this whole thing but i like what y'all are doing......i want to put up posters but unsure how to go about it...i want to go through you guys cause i got a couple of ideas........i gonna start puttin up a couple of me own just now..if see a poster....(it'll be handmade lol) with Moonbeam at the bottom it'll be me.if you like 'em maybe we'll get together and design some posters baby!

*always until the victory.and nothin' else matters*