Aberdeen Poster Collective - Posters

New posters

New posters

Once again i've been impressed to a chuckle with the sight of the new posters. I'd just like to say what the poster's mean to me, with the hope that many more people out there will agree, argue or in some way discuss about what the posters are doing.

Well, i'd like to start with ABDN # 10, since that was the first of the new range of ones that have appeared over easter. I initially laughed at the notion of a TV controling a person, but the wit of the poster is regretably true. You don't need to look far to see the influence of television on people. I myself don't have a tv license nor to i intend to watch tv, cause i basically think it's one big mound of crap. I must say the human kneeling is quite powerful, along with the cealed lips it paints a pretty desperate picture. I think the picture suggests that humans are ruled by tv...and by the looks of the beer-in-hand potato tv, it looks like they're not ruled by someone suited for the job (if there is such a thing). There's so much stuff to say about this! I could spend all day typing and thinking about it; i could go and read up some sociological perspective...but just looking at the poster satisfys my curiousity in the subject...and makes me feel guilty for watching the shit even at a mates house! : P

.....shit, i've got to do an essay....i think i'll write about it a bit more tommorrow....there's more posters to think about!

Have a nice nice

What does anyone else think???????????

Re: New posters

touche ricardo! das is good

Re: New posters

wow!!! cool dude, how's it going Kinglouie? What do you think of the new posters?