Microwave Forum - Cellular Phone Jammers

Getting RF parts for projects

 Getting RF parts for projects

What are the best sources for getting parts to GSM Jammer or other RF projects? Few phones already mentioned here like the Siemens.
Have you found other phones useful for part source?
Are there any good “GSM hack” pages to look for datasheets or getting help to identify miscellaneous components from GSM phone?

I got here parts from 3110 and some old Panasonic, do I have a VCO here?
(BGY252 & BGY262 I know already )
Bigger picture https://www.jarkonkotisivu.org/temp/gsmparts_3.jpg
HUGE picture https://www.jarkonkotisivu.org/temp/gsmparts_1.jpg
Back side https://www.jarkonkotisivu.org/temp/gsmparts_back.jpg

Re: Getting RF parts for projects

Hi FuseBox,

i can´t see any suitable vcos at your pictures, sorry. But of course i can´t say that for sure...

Several years ago there was an excellent site for identifing gsm phone parts, called www.inside-gsm.com, but it was disabled/discontinued.
Luckily i found a mirror (thank you for your impulse )... it seems that someone copied the whole site before the original one was down - but it is very slow: https://inside-gsm.narod.ru/
This is what you´re looking for!



"Ich liebe es, wenn ein (Schalt-)Plan funktioniert."

 Re: Getting RF parts for projects


Check out the "marked" VCO's from the picture. Most of them
don't reach up to the uplink frequency band (935-960Mhz)
The other parts seems useless.


gsmparts_33.JPG (93 kByte, 1.165 x 559 pixels)
Picture optimized für best viewing.
Large view - save

Re: Getting RF parts for projects

Things such as cell phone jammer, WIFI Jammer are just accessible from online store as well as with the accessories and parts.

 Re: Getting RF parts for projects

It's written in 2007... yeas meanwhile it's easy available