Microwave Forum - Cellular Phone Jammers

Jammer for 1800 MHz

Jammer for 1800 MHz

Hi friends,

I would like to construct any jammer for 1800 MHz. I look for VCO for this.
I would like to use cheap semiconductor.
I think to use oscillator with BFR91 with varicape and it will be good.

You can look to my other topic there is my transmitter for 1,3 GHz.
I can do oscillator for 1.8 GHz. What do you think?

Or have anybody better idea?

Bye. Josef.

Re: Jammer for 1800 MHz

Hi Josef,
yes, it´s really difficult to find a vco for GSM1800.
I already tried to build a GHz-transistor oscillator by myself, but i failed. The problem is that i do this for hobby and don´t have expensive measurement tools.
Your transmitter is really nice :-)
Of course i want to ask you for the schematics... especially for the oscillator.
Building such oscillators is soooo hard.



"Ich liebe es, wenn ein (Schalt-)Plan funktioniert."

Re: Jammer for 1800 MHz

Maybe can use frequency doubler???

Re: Jammer for 1800 MHz

sure, frequency doublers are possible. But don´t ask me about their attenuation . Some gain stages and filters would be effortful.
I made some experiments on rf technology... when it doesn´t work, it can be very frustrating...
In my opinon, this is too difficult to realise for most people.
I´m still thinking of an 900MHz, low cost, easy-to-build, low power jammer mounted on a pcb without the need of adjustments... sounds difficult? No, sounds competeting If only i had more time...


"Ich liebe es, wenn ein (Schalt-)Plan funktioniert."

 Re: Jammer for 1800 MHz


Re: Jammer for 1800 MHz