Microwave Forum - Cellular Phone Jammers



I've got this Siemens mobile with PF08112B, help me find datasheet or rather better the pin configuration so i may use it....

Re: PF08112B

i uploaded some datasheets (if you donĀ“t have them already).
Perhaps one of the other PF.... looks similar to the PF08112B.



"Ich liebe es, wenn ein (Schalt-)Plan funktioniert."

Re: PF08112B

yeah all of PF081XXB looks similar so assuming they all will have same configurations...

Re: PF08112B

I broke it

I want to use power apmlifier ahead my VCO (MAX2623) ...uptill vco stage it is working...mmm around 3 feet i think...now can't get the power amplifier ..tried few but then i got confused with the pins...they all seemed to have more pins than indicated by the data sheet :|...
please if u have little time to spare, tell me the PA from any old siemens...like S6 i found....the pin configuration on the pcb..i mean how to differentiate between the pins..and any extra compnonents if we have emply (if any) ...thanks...