Microwave Forum - Cellular Phone Jammers

right Power amplifier

right Power amplifier

y GSM PA ? can i use AMPS power amp bcoz some one tell me that amsp PA more powerful then GSM . and the funcation of PA is same

can i cover 2 story buliding with jammer 1 by using 2 antenna

Re: right Power amplifier

>> y GSM PA ?
Why not?

>>can i use AMPS power amp...and the function of PA is same ?
There is nothing to it.
Do you know the NIKE slogan? Just do it.

>>...some one tell me that amsp PA more powerful then GSM
Although I don´t know the absolute tx power of AMPS and D-AMPS, I estaminate D-AMPS has a similar tx power to GSM.
Maybe AMPS is stronger (because it´s analog).

>>can i cover 2 story buliding with jammer 1 by using 2 antenna
No. You must use two jammers.


"Ich liebe es wenn ein (Schalt-)Plan funktioniert."

Re: right Power amplifier

friend plesae see my circuit and tell me y the range is just 10 metter ,s only what u want me to change in this ....

DSC00511.jpg (49 kByte, 600 x 398 pixels)

Re: right Power amplifier

its PA from GSM phone ( what if i remove these three resistors ) and what if i tune the gain

DSC00512.jpg (25 kByte, 400 x 265 pixels)

Re: right Power amplifier

and this is part of input signal swooth gen from jammer one and DC offset from richy the great .

plesae tell me how to improve the range in this case

DSC00513.jpg (27 kByte, 400 x 265 pixels)

Re: right Power amplifier

10 meters are not so bad for the beginning.
What about a real gsm antenna, not just a simple wire?


"Ich liebe es wenn ein (Schalt-)Plan funktioniert."

Re: right Power amplifier

i use old GSM phone antenna but did work well... give me a idea what type of antenna should i use and where can i find it and see the circuit i am thinking to remove the three resistors ( which are before PA) what do u think

 Re: right Power amplifier

good work !
so far ...
what's our amplifier current?


 Re: right Power amplifier

ohohoohooooo.... after detailed looking

short the way --> VCO ,attenuator ,amplifier ...

may there's RF feedback from the antenna ...

try looking ...

Re: right Power amplifier

hi thx,s for reply,s

well the PA input 5V

so u want me to place the parts near to the VCO (right)

what about antenna ....and idea