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flying doctors season 3

flying doctors season 3

51. The noble art
Some boxers come to Coopers Crossing. Johnny Lawrence is one of them. He
was the champion some years ago and is very much set to a come-back. He
develops some kind of crush on Kate. During a fight, Johnny loses
consciousness. It is discovered that he has problems with his heart and
he may never box again. At first he is very angry about it, but later on
he decides to buy a farm and become a farmer. He asks Kate to go with
him, but she refuses.

52. Sapphire
Sapphire is a woman who is married and lives with her husband and his
sister. Her husband is a lot older than her and everyone thinks Sapphire
is after his money. Meanwhile the sister is poisoning her brother but
has convinced the farm hand that Sapphire is doing it.

53. Cries from the heart
A man and his 8 year old daughter Tracy are in a car crash and Tracy
wanders off. A woman reports to Jack that she has met the girl but Jack
doesn't believe her as there is no evidence of a child having been in
the car, and the woman has been reporting for years a child is crying in
the bush as her own 8 year old daughter Laura died. When Tracy's father
regains consciousness and asks for Tracy, Jack is distraught as he
blames himself for Laura's death. Chris comforts Jack and later the girl
is found alive.

54. All in a day's work
It's inspection time at the base and the inspector hasn't' t arrived.
The team is busy flying around the district and are unable to make the
clinic run. Guess who's at the clinic run? The inspector. Eventually she
arrives at the base by the mail plane but when she is talking to Geoff
he falls asleep. Jack falls in love with Chris.

55. Out of a clear blue sky
Marty the mechanic arrives and causes problems for DJ at the disco,
while Jack is out of town sorting out his divorce in the hope that Chris
and he will get together.

56. Affirmative action
Because of the doctor's service, a tennis match is organised at the farm
of the Greenways. Meg, the daughter, trains secretly for a camel race of
3000 km. When her father finds out, he refuses all financial support.
Sam and Emma convince George Baxter to support Meg.

57. Figures in a landscape
The famous artist Max comes with his agent Charles to Coopers Crossing.
To make a profit, they pretend that Max died, but then it turns out,
Charles won't share the money. Geoff's former girlfriend visits Coopers
Crossing. She tries to let GG fall for her again. Kate and Chris would
like to know what the other "G" stands for (maybe Grumpy?).

58. The devil you know
Kimberley White, a representative of a firm which has stocks in the
Baxter company, comes by for an inspection. She is very stressed out and
lives on pills. Chris gives her inspiration to overrule her boss.

59. Operating solo
A doctor in science comes to the Crossing. He falls in love with Chris.
He is seriously injured by an explosion and Chris is the only one
available to operate on him! Geoff hurts his knee and is sent to Broken
Hill. Kate goes there with him (against her will because "doctors are
the worst patients"). Geoff and Kate have to stay in a motel room and
they kiss, but that's it!

60. The path of true love
A group of people falls in a river. Connie is seriously injured and
keeps asking for her husband Robert. The other members of the group
don't believe he exists and they are getting tired of her. But Geoff
finds the man.

61. The kid
Andy arrives with his dog in Coopers Crossing to join a match for dogs.
He fights with another boy, gets injured and has to go to hospital.
There they find out that Andy has got a tumour.

62. The first step
A woman who has got a seizure, blames all of this on her baby. Her
husband can't cope anymore. Chris tries, with all the other Coopers
Crossing's residents, all sorts of therapy, but nothing seems to work.
But then Sam takes her to the horses.

63. Hopscotch
Mimmi, her husband and two daughters arrive in Coopers Crossing. Mimmi
is already giving birth when she arrives in hospital. Kate takes the two
daughters to Violet, who takes them to Sam and Emma. Then the husband
disappears and a day later they have all disappeared.

64. Jacks high
Because of a fire at the Baxter's place, Jack has to kill all the sheep.
When he gets a lift back to the plane, his gun goes off and Jack is
seriously injured. Marty and Dougie organise a riding casino for sheep

65. Clapped out
Violet doubts about leaving. Nancy gets Maggie Hutton to take over
Violet's shop. They organise a diner to thank Violet. Chris spends a lot
of time with Mike and because of it, Kate feels not at ease. She is
scared she has to move again.

66. Private lives, public faces
A new cop Larry O'Connor and his dog Rebel arrive in town and he is
eager to make an impression. He starts out by arresting the youths who
broke into Baxter's office. DJ is panicking as the boys go to the disco
he runs. Mike tells Chris he is married, but that he loves her. Violet's
grand-daughter arrives and takes Violet to England.

67. Wedlock
A boy finds out his mother is having an affair with another landowner.
The boy falls off his horse and complains of pain in his legs. Chris
can't find anything wrong with the boy and suggests he go home. He hears
his parents talking about a divorce and falls ill again. Sam and Chris
devise a way to find out if he is faking or not. Marty is forever
talking about leaving for Surfer's Paradise so DJ, Constable O'Connor
and Sam set up the Surfer's Carnival.

68. The wrangler's daughter
A wrangler and his mental impaired daughter are camping out in the bush.
The wrangler's boss Richard Sawyer frightens the girl who runs away, and
when her father goes looking for her he is bitten by a snake. The locals
start a search in the bush and Constable O'Connor impresses the town by
finding the girl.

69. Borrowed time
A crop duster friend of Sam's named Bob works for Baxter but he has
turned into a environmentalist and sprays water and milk over the crops.
Baxter is not impressed and wants Constable O'Connor to arrest him. Bob
tells Sam about his 8 year old son being killed when he sprayed himself
with chemical from a tank. Bob decides to make a statement by
threatening to empty chemicals into Canberra's water supply. Bob gets
killed and Sam finds out there were no chemicals aboard his plane.

70. The forbidden
A land inspector visits and falls down a cave after being warned by an
aboriginal spirit to stay away. He is rescued but is very ill. Geoff
asks Dougie for help in getting the curse removed. The man recovers but
his tests show he has a disease caused by bat droppings. Mike visits
Chris and brings his two daughters with him. The whole town starts
talking about Chris, so Mike leaves but states he will be back. Sam's
sister, Paula, also comes to the Crossing, she got a job as radiographer
at the hospital.

71. She'll be right
Hurtle returns to the crossing driving a Rolls Royce, which is stolen,
but he doesn't know. Constable O'Connor is advised to look out for the
stolen car, so Hurtle and Vic hide it. Jack returns and he finds out
Hurtle and Vic are up to no good. Mike tells Chris he has asked his wife
for a divorce, but receives a call saying his wife has taken the
children back to France. He asks Chris to go with him but she refuses.
Mike leaves, and Chris cries on Jack's shoulder.

72. One final request
An old lady is dying. Geoff and Kate keep her company, as she won't
leave her house. She tells Geoff and Kate not to hesitate to say that
they are in love with each other. Hurtle and Vic must appear to court
because they owned a stolen car.

73. Roxanne
Emma is going out to fix a tractor, despite Sam's and Paula's protests.
On the road she sees a car in trouble. Inside she finds Roxanne and
Kenny, both on the run from the police after a robbery. Kenny has been
shot and is in a dreadful state. Roxanne forces Emma, under gunpoint, to
ditch their car, and drive them to an abandoned shed in the bush. Late
at night Kenny gets worse, so Emma and Roxanne go into town and get
Chris. Sam has already reported Emma missing, but no one misses Chris
until the following morning. A search is organised and finally they find
Chris and Emma, who has been under a lot of strain, since Roxanne has
been taking amphetamines.

74. Don't tell anybody
A school picnic is held at a property belonging to a man named Rodney.
He claims a ghost lives there too, called Mick. Geoff and Kate are
there, to teach the kids first aid. Later on the town people gather out
there, except for Maggie, Emma, Chris and Lucy, who look after the pub.
Geoff and Sam are called out on an emergency, but get terribly
frightened by a dog! They swear, however, not to tell anybody. At night
three nasty men arrive at the pub, which scares the women a bit. On the
property Marty decides that he's going to sleep in Mick's room, to see
if he is real. Paula scares him during the night, pretending to be a
ghost. Marty runs away and falls down a gully! Sam is getting very
worried about Emma, he can't reach her on the phone. He rushes back the
following morning, only to find her and the other women having a nice
breakfast with the nasty blokes from the previous night. Before Jack
leaves Rodney's property, he actually sees Mick, in whom he had never
previously believed, but when he tells Chris, she just laughs.

75. No way back
Emma is visiting a lady called Ann Williams on a farm out of town.
George Baxter wants to buy the property, but Ann doesn't want to sell
it, she has too many memories of the farm, where she lost her child a
few years back. While Emma is out there, Sam visits, and suddenly Emma
get a horrible stomach pain. She realizes there's something wrong with
the baby, and George Baxter, who is in the neighbourhood, offers to give
her and Sam a lift to the hospital. When they arrive in Coopers
Crossing, Emma has lost her baby. Emma seems to recover, but an argument
with Sam reveals she's really feeling terrible. Ann has decided to sell
the property and move to the city. She doesn't want George to get a
cheep price so she organizes an auction. The property is sold... to Sam
Patterson!! Geoff finally agrees to go flying with Chris in her Tiger
Moth. He is terrified... but he survives!

76. Johnnie come home
A man named Harry has inherited a kidney disease from his father and
needs a new kidney. The only one who might be able to give it to him is
his brother Johnnie, but he disappeared in Vietnam during the war.
Harry's father dies and at the funeral his wife Julia sees Johnnie, but
Harry doesn't believe her. When Johnnie ends up in hospital, it turns
out Julia was right, it is Johnnie! He gives his kidney to Harry!