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Dieser eine Blogartikel über Warhammer, den ich ewig gesucht habe

Dieser eine Blogartikel über Warhammer, den ich ewig gesucht habe

Ein lesenswerter Blog-Artikel zu WFRP, nach dem ich lange suchen mußte, was ich nicht noch einmal wiederholen möchte, weshalb ich den Link hier unterbringe:

My own private WFRP

"It would rain all the time. 'Protection from rain' would be the most prized spell in the game."

‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”).’

Re: Dieser eine Blogartikel über Warhammer, den ich ewig gesucht habe

Und als Nachklapp, weil der besagte Artikel Teil einer Reihe ist und man sich bei Blogspot mühselig von einem Teil zum anderen hangeln muß, eine Übersicht zum Anklicken.

Bringing Down the Hammer

Bringing down the hammer: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 1st and 2nd edition

"When the second edition came out in 2005-7, its authors faced at least three problems. The first was the difficulty of reconciling the heritage of 1980s WHFRP with the then-canonical setting of 6th and 7th edition Warhammer, which had become a much more heroic, high-magic, high-fantasy affair. The second was a business model - common in the RPG industry at the time - which required them to churn out as much product as possible [...]. The third was the simple fact that they didn't have anyone on their staff capable of creating material on the same level as [...] the original GW crew."

Part 2: WHFRP 2nd edition corebook

"In particular, they had to deal with the fallout of 'the Storm of Chaos' [...]. No longer could chaos be something subtle and hidden, like the Mythos in Call of Cthulhu, something that most people could forget about or live in ignorance of or only half believe in. For a citizen of the Empire to not believe in the chaos gods after the Storm of Chaos would be like a Russian not believing in Germans circa 1946."

Part 3: Adventures, Bestiary, Armoury, Guide to the Empire

"The old [adventures] throw down a situation and then leave the decisions about what do about it in the hands of the players. The new ones just force-march the PCs through a series of pre-scripted scenes towards a predetermined conclusion, and are full of terrible advice about how to rig each situation in order to keep the plot on track."

Part 4: Spires of Altdorf, Karak Azgal, Realms of Sorcery

Part 5: Forges of Nuln, Knights of the Grail, Barony of the Damned

"[T]he first book in the WHFRP 2nd edition line to remember that the setting is in the middle of a renaissance: times are changing, new technologies are spreading, and the old feudal system is starting to fray around the edges."

Part 6: Children of the Horned Rat

Part 7: Terror in Talabheim, Tome of Corruption

"The original Realm of Chaos books are classics because they're crazy."

Part 8: Companion, Renegade Crowns, Lure of the Liche Lord

Part 9: Night's Dark Masters, Tome of Salvation, Realm of the Ice Queen

Part 10: Thousand Thrones, Shades of Empire, Career Compendium

"This adventure has the worst hook that I have ever seen: a bunch of NPCs jump out of the bushes and literally force the PCs at gunpoint to go to the adventure location, where they aren't allowed to leave until they investigate a stolen chicken. "

10b Bonus issue: The GM's Pack

Part 11: WFRP 2 in retrospect

"If ever there was a game that proved that most RPG supplements are basically unnecessary, it was WFRP [...]"

Part 12: my own private WFRP

(Das ist der Beitrag, der mir im Kopf hängen geblieben war. Zusammenfassung: )

"My own personal vision of the WFRP world would be built around nine basic concepts:"
1: From above, life in the Old World looks good.
2: From below, life in the Old World looks terrifying.
3: The threat of chaos is systematically underestimated.
4: The social order is teetering on the edge of collapse.
5: The PCs are the people on the margins who can see the world as it is.
6: Adventures take place in the shadows.
7: Superstition is sometimes right and sometimes wrong.
8: The PCs may be scum, but they are socially mobile scum.
9: The setting is low-fantasy and low-magic.

‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”).’

Re: Dieser eine Blogartikel über Warhammer, den ich ewig gesucht habe

Der Autor hätte wahrscheinlich das Rumpelstilzchen gemacht, wenn er je WH3 aus der Nähe gesehen hätte.

"Ich will die fiese Scheiße sein, die anderen passiert."
Punisher über sein Warhammer-Männel

Re: Dieser eine Blogartikel über Warhammer, den ich ewig gesucht habe

Wenn man sich die gesammelten Beiträge der Kategorie Warhammer anschaut, dann ... äh, dann mach ich einfach ein paar Direktlinks, weil auch diese Artikelreihe kein eigenes Label hat:

(Die restlichen Teile der Reihe: )

‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”).’

Re: Dieser eine Blogartikel über Warhammer, den ich ewig gesucht habe

Ach ja, Zweihänder.

"Ich will die fiese Scheiße sein, die anderen passiert."
Punisher über sein Warhammer-Männel

Re: Dieser eine Blogartikel über Warhammer, den ich ewig gesucht habe

Ich verschieb das mal in die Linksammlung. Und dann schau ich mir Warlock näher an.

‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”).’

Re: Dieser eine Blogartikel über Warhammer, den ich ewig gesucht habe

WARLOCK!, bitteschön.

( )

"Ich will die fiese Scheiße sein, die anderen passiert."
Punisher über sein Warhammer-Männel