Rollenspiel-Forum Hermersberg und Umgebung - Die Andere-Spiele-Ecke

Cyberpunk Computerspiel

Cyberpunk Computerspiel

Ich glaub, hier im Forum interessieren sich die Computerspieler nich so für Cyberpunk (das spezielle, nich das Genre) und die Cyberpunk-Interessenten spielen keine modernen Spiele, aber ich lass das trotzdem mal hier:

"I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun." (Farewell My Lovely)

Re: Cyberpunk Computerspiel

Ja, ja, ne, ne.
Sie wissen schon.

‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”)’

Re: Cyberpunk Computerspiel

Was äh? Was soll ich sagen, ja ich mag gute CP spiele.

Mal sehen, was des so wird.

Toleranz beginnt da, wo man anfängt die eigenen Prinzipien zu verleugnen...

Re: Cyberpunk Computerspiel

Teaser Trailer

"I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun." (Farewell My Lovely)

Re: Cyberpunk Computerspiel

Das … das ist abgekupfert bei Bubblegum Crisis, oder?

‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”)’

Re: Cyberpunk Computerspiel

Kenn ich nicht

"I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun." (Farewell My Lovely)

Re: Cyberpunk Computerspiel

Muß man auch nicht.

… Ich habe irgendwie das Gefühl, diese Unterhaltung gab es schon mal. Genau wie diese Vorschau!

‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”)’

Re: Cyberpunk Computerspiel

Ich hätte ja eher auf AD Police anstatt BC abgehoben, aber der Herr Z. hat natürlich Recht.

"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
- Ed Howdershelt

Re: Cyberpunk Computerspiel

Dabei kenne ich BC eigentlich nur über das alte Zimmer vom Mario.

‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”)’