Earth Circle - Atlantis, das alte Ägypten, Sumer und Troja

Geography Expert Finds Lost Atlantis In Ireland

Geography Expert Finds Lost Atlantis In Ireland

Geography Expert Finds Lost Atlantis In Ireland In New Book From
Lindorm Publishing

For Immediate Release

MIAMI/EWORLDWIRE/Jan. 6, 2005 --- Of the several theories locating
the site of Atlantis that were advanced during 2004, the hypothesis
that placed it on megalithic Ireland has received the most favorable
reception. This hypothesis was published by Dr. Ulf Erlingsson, an
internationally renowned doctor in geography.

Though some feel that Atlantis has been desecrated by being
identified with Ireland, it is this unsentimental and logical
approach that led Erlingsson to his conclusion. In "Atlantis from a
Geographer's Perspective: Mapping the Fairy Land" this thesis is
written in a language that captivates the reader from the beginning.
It is written for anybody interested in the subject, from teenagers
to white-haired professors.

Atlantis has turned into a modern myth the past century; the popular
misconceptions about the lost civilization are very strong.
"Curiously, many objections to the Ireland solution are based on
sentiments that Ireland is not adequately exotic or mysterious,"
said Erlingsson. "As if the megalithic monuments aren't truly
remarkable enough, and as if Atlantis could possibly have been
anything but Stone Age anyway."

In "Atlantis from a Geographer's Perspective: Mapping the Fairy
Land" (, $16.95 hardcover, ISBN 0975594605), Erlingsson
identifies Ireland as the inspiration for Plato's Atlantis. In the
book, he erects and tests hypotheses, using methods typically only
used in the hard sciences. The author demonstrates - with a
probability of 99.98 percent - that Plato described Ireland.

Newgrange and Knowth in the Boyne valley on Ireland were built
around 3200 B.C. They are the finest and the oldest monumental
constructions anywhere in the world. They are associated with the
two temples mentioned by Plato in Atlantis. The King's Tara on
Ireland, where the Stone of Destiny stands, is associated with the
Atlantean capital.

Erlingsson plans to present the study to peers at an international
scientific conference in Greece in July. "I'm very much looking
forward to this opportunity to debate the results with some of the
world's foremost experts on the Atlantis tale," he said.

There have been an unusual number of Atlantis hypotheses in the
media in 2004. Erlingsson does not claim that he has the one and
only truth. "One must evaluate each detail by itself," he said. "It
may be that others have found other details, so that one day the
puzzle may be complete." However, he is certain that his own result
will stand up to scrutiny. Recently he has scrutinized his analyses
with more detail, showing that - if anything - the certainty that
Ireland is the lost Atlantis is even higher than 99.98 percent. A
website for the book,, was launched on the
New Year. The detailed study is available at that site.

"Atlantis from a Geographer's Perspective: Mapping the Fairy Land"
will soon be published in Japan in its first foreign translation,
which will also be available in hardcover.


Ulf Erlingsson
Erlingsson Sub-Aquatic Surveys
Miami, FL
PHONE. 305-884-1890

KEYWORDS: Publisher, books,

SOURCE: Lindorm Publishing


"They say if you play the Windows XP CD backward, you can hear satanic words."
- "Oh, that´s nothing. If you play it forward it installs Windows XP...!"

Re: Geography Expert Finds Lost Atlantis In Ireland

Hi jiin,

das Thema hatten wir ja schon oft. Aber ich glaube aufgrund der Topographie von Irland eher nicht an diese Theorie. Es sei denn, ein Teil der Insel ist weggebrochen, was dann die merkwürdigen, zur See hin offenen, Ringburgen erklären würde. Die Größe der Insel könnte zumindest stimmen.

Re: Geography Expert Finds Lost Atlantis In Ireland

dito Freeborncelt..wobei ich allerdings denke, daß Irland geografisch gesehen zu nördlich liegt, als daß ein Klima geherrscht hätte, so wie es in Plato's Kritias Dialogen beschrieben wurde.. wie findest denn die Cadiz(Gadeira)-Theorie?

liebe Grüße

"They say if you play the Windows XP CD backward, you can hear satanic words."
- "Oh, that´s nothing. If you play it forward it installs Windows XP...!"

Re: Geography Expert Finds Lost Atlantis In Ireland

Ich denke eher, daß die Insel wirklich verloren ist. Jedenfalls physisch. Meiner Meinung nach lag sie wo Platon es beschrieben hat, obwohl sie ja nun auch schon im Bermuda Dreieck vermutet wurde und auf der Venus.

Laut Beschreibung erinnert mich die Insel an einen großen Vulkankrater und der ist dann halt während eines schlimmen Tages und iner schlimmen Nacht versunken.

Re: Geography Expert Finds Lost Atlantis In Ireland

nunja, vermutet wurde Atlantis bzw. die Königsinsel ja überall hier auf unserer Erde *haha* hmm.. Vulkan? Du meinst doch aber nicht Santorin im Mittelmeer, oder? wo vermutest Du es denn?

liebe Grüße

"They say if you play the Windows XP CD backward, you can hear satanic words."
- "Oh, that´s nothing. If you play it forward it installs Windows XP...!"

Re: Geography Expert Finds Lost Atlantis In Ireland

Plato beschreibt eine hohe Felsenküste und eine große fruchtbare Ebene im
Inneren der Insel. Dieses erinnert mich schon sehr an einen Vulkankrater. Da der
Tempel im Inneren der Königsinsel den Ägyptern unbekannt war, glaube ich
nicht an griechische oder ägyptische Technologie und somit schließe ich einen
Ort im Mittelmeer aus. Atlantis wird wohl im zentralen Atlantik gelegen haben
und ist bei einem Seebeben versunken. Da wird man wohl leider nix mehr finden.

Re: Geography Expert Finds Lost Atlantis In Ireland

aber falls Atlantis mitten im Atlantik gelegen haben soll, um was für ein Volk könnte es sich in diesem Falle gehandelt haben? Du meinst bestimmt die Gegend bei den Azoren?

liebe Grüße

"They say if you play the Windows XP CD backward, you can hear satanic words."
- "Oh, that´s nothing. If you play it forward it installs Windows XP...!"

Re: Geography Expert Finds Lost Atlantis In Ireland

Die Gegend wäre perfekt. Plato schreibt, daß das Volk dort ansässig war, bevor Schiffe gebaut wurden. Vielleicht war das irgendein Zuchtversuch unbekannter Mächte. Hinweise darauf gibt es ja genug.