Forum der Klasse 3c - Musig



hiphop isch s geilschte:D

Re: HipHop

momou. interessants statement. das isch wider mau sehr objektivi beurteilig.

Re: HipHop

okay dizlä...du weisch, ig bi nid so dr hip hop fan! :P s'git aber schono cools zügs...emu franz hip hop isch mängisch no geil! aber dä testosteron-seich à la 50cent...ähm...lieber nid!

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: HipHop

wäääää hip hop. wehe mir.....

Re: HipHop

darf me wüsse wär du bisch? :P

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: HipHop

isch vilich nid immer dr glich;)

Re: HipHop

^^ wäri nid druf cho! :P

die anonyme gäst gö mer chli ufen wecker...füehli mi beobachtet :P

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: HipHop

di söuä säch doch registriärä!

Re: HipHop

^^ ja isch ja haub so schwär! auso ALLEZ HOPP... registrieret nech!!!!

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: HipHop

mir wichä überau vom thema ab! :)