Forum der Klasse 3c - Musig

Pearl Jam? :P

Pearl Jam? :P

ja äbe...bekanntläch mini lieblingsband. =D :P git's hie süsch no öpper wo die lost?

mi isch ja hie i dr schwiiz us PJ fan ja scho gnueg allei... O__o

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: Pearl Jam? :P

ig bi enttüscht... tztz.. O___o

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: Pearl Jam? :P

hehe ;)

black metal ist krieg

black metal ist krieg

Re: Pearl Jam? :P

^^ sehr ähm...ufschlussriche bitrag :P

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: Pearl Jam? :P

ja ächt,i chönnt o nid me sägä! kennese nume vo dim vortrag odr so u däm chame ja igätläch nidemau kenne sägä...

Re: Pearl Jam? :P

sött bedüte, dass niemer pearl jam fan isch ;)

black metal ist krieg

black metal ist krieg

Re: Pearl Jam? :P

was wiederum bedütet dass dr aui KEEEEE AHNIG vo gueter Musig heit... *intolerantbin* :P

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: Pearl Jam? :P


black metal ist krieg

black metal ist krieg