Forum der Klasse 3c - Musig

listening to?

Re: listening to?

Jamie O`Neal - All by myself

Re: listening to?

bob dylan- masters of war

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: listening to?

System Of A Down - Forest


Bare meg og natten - bare meg og natten
En natt skal jag reise
Til Helvete

Burzum - Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn


Re: listening to?

Ali G feat. Shaggy - Me Julie

Re: listening to?

Pentaslave - Cold Heart

black metal ist krieg

black metal ist krieg

Re: listening to?

caesars - jerk it out

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: listening to?

Equilibrium - Unter der Eiche

"Jedes Jahr zur gleichen Stunde stehen wir und singen hier
tanzen, lachen, spielen, saufen, Trinken Met und ganz viel
Feiern bis zum Morgengrauen, machen diese Nacht zum Tag
Fressen wie die Wölfe alles, mehr noch als der Manegarm

Eichenfässer unversehrt
werd'n in dieser Nacht geleert
Selbst die Alten und die Weisen
lassen ihre Hörner kreisen"

schöne tegschd :P

Bare meg og natten - bare meg og natten
En natt skal jag reise
Til Helvete

Burzum - Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn


Re: listening to?

^^ würkli no e luschtige text

pearl jam - crazy mary

'take a bottle, drink it down....pass it round..pass it round' :)

die sieche söuä ihri ärsch nach europa bewege...abr dalli...

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: listening to?

Grease - Summer nights

Re: listening to?

smash mouth - walking on the sun

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."