Forum der Klasse 3c - Stusserei


Re: Stusse

i wett aber schribä. weiss nid wasi süsch söu machä (abgseh vo lehrä u das schisst mi a).

Re: Stusse

ok, iz chöimer stussä, du gast! chönntsch di übrigens mau registriärä!

Re: Stusse

ja abr ghöre ja nid zur nume ere ufforderig vor ste gfougt, da i doch sones forumstussching bi...

Re: Stusse

ha dr gar nid befolhe z'stusse ditzlä! :P s'machsch ja eh vo sälber...über was chönnt me stusse?



"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: Stusse

isch doch egal öb zur klass ghörsch odr nid! ;)

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: Stusse

ja! völlig egau!! de hets chli meh mitglieder! isch doch cool!

Re: Stusse

noja...weiss nid...abr sött itz de mau lehre...mues me nämlech z bärn o...

Re: Stusse

iiiih! da wärä mer iz nid druf cho!! *g*

aber registriärä geit nid lang...

Re: Stusse

jede sött lere u machts nid... ;)

"Listen asshole, one more fucker throws a fuckin’ quarter out here and we’re outta here, I’m tellin’ ya, FUCKER! What the fuck, you’re blowin’ it for fuckin’ everybody. Hit me with a fuckin’ quarter again and, fuck it, I’m outta here. We’re all outta here. Fuck you, and if anyone sees someone throw fuckin’ change right next to them, you have my permission to beat the fuckin’ holy shit outta them. Thank you very much. Fuckin’ idiot. Ah, that felt good, thank you."

Re: Stusse

stimmt. i sött ou u tuä nid...