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Es gibt eingentlich einer revolution in Israel staat ??

Es gibt eingentlich einer revolution in Israel staat ??

Die Sozial palästinesise und Politikerin Abir Kopty ist letzte Woche in "Zeltstadt im Stadtpark von Tel Aviv" gegangen und als palästinerin hat sich sie nicht mit ihnen gleichsetz bis sie in der Zelt 1984 gekommen war . Das Zelt 1984 ist besitz zusammen von jüdises und araber die möchten die Sozialen rechten müssen für alle sein .

Was Abir sagt über seiner besucht

If you are Palestinian, it will be difficult to find anything to identify with in Tel Aviv's tents’ city on Rothschild Boulevard, until you reach Tent 1948. My first tour there was a few days ago, when I decided to join Tent 1948. Tent 1948's main message is that social justice should be for all. It brings together Jewish and Palestinian citizens who believe in shared sovereignty in the state of all its citizens.

For me, as a Palestinian, I don’t feel part of the July 14 movement, and I’m not there because I feel part. Almost every corner of this encampment reminds me that this place does not want me. My first tour there was pretty depressing, I found lots of Israeli flags, a man giving a lecture to youth about his memories from ’48 war’ from a Zionist perspective, another group marching with signs calling for the release of Gilad Shalit, another singing Zionist songs. This is certainly not a place that the 20% of the population would feel they belong to. The second day I found Ronen Shuval, from Im Tirtzu, the extreme right wing organization, giving a talk full of incitement and hatred to the left and human rights organizations. Settlers already set a tent and were dancing with joy.

The existence of Tent 1948 in the encampment constitutes a challenge to people taking part in the July 14 movement. In the first few days, the tent was attacked by group of rightwing activists, who beat activists in the tent and broke down the Palestinian flag of the tent. Some of the leaders of the July 14 movement have said clearly that raising core issues related to Palestinian community in Israel or the occupation will make the struggle “lose momentum”. They often said the struggle is social, not political, as if there was a difference. They are afraid of losing supporters if they make Palestinian issues bold.

The tent protest: neither social justice, nor revolution

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Israels Reaktion auf Sozialproteste: Noch mehr Wohnungsbau in besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten

How the largest social justice movement in Israel’s history managed to ignore the Palestinians

..........We asked Shaffir if the protest movement was connected in any way to the law passed five days before in the Knesset that criminalized speaking in favor of a boycott of settlement-produced goods, or to the constant stream of anti-democratic laws. “There are many things that are connected but here we protest against the housing costs,” she insisted. “We are not a group. Everyone has their discretion to choose what is the most important issue.”............
............The crisis no one was willing to mention, however, was the 44-year-long Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Demonstrators we interviewed from across the political spectrum deflected questions about the occupation — at times in an aggressive, resentful manner — by calling it a divisive “political” issue............
.........When asked if she personally believed the July 14 movement could connect social justice to the issue of occupation, she replied, “No. Occupation is a security issue, not a social justice issue.”
The decision to exclude the occupation from the grievances of the July 14 movement was entirely organic. No hired gun consultant advised movement activists to avoid the hot button issue in order to broaden the appeal of the demonstrations. The mainstream of the Jewish public decided on its own, and without much internal reflection, that social justice could exist alongside a system of ethnic exclusivism. ............
...........“We have failed to end the occupation by confronting it head on but the boundary-breaking, de-segregating movement could, conceivably, undermine it,” wrote Dimi Reider. Reider claimed the demonstrations could achieve dramatic change because they “may challenge something even deeper than the occupation.” Hagai Mattar, a veteran anti-occupation activist and widely read journalist, echoed Reider’s unbridled enthusiasm. “For the first time in decades, perhaps, we are witnessing the impossible becoming possible,” Mattar wrote on the popular Hebrew website MySay. “What appeared to be a mere fantasy half a year ago… has become a vivid reality.”................
..............As Yehuda Nuriel, a columnist for the leading Israeli newspaper Yedioth Aharanot, wrote recently, “Here is the Zionism we almost lost. We found it in the tent.” Indeed, July 14 seems to represent a remarkable reincarnation of the Zionist spirit that gave birth to the state of Israel, not the revolution that will “challenge something deeper than the occupation,” as Reider wrote.

As during the glory days of early socialist Zionism, Palestinians are isolated and ignored. “It’s a classic secular, Jewish and urban protest,” Tamar Herman, a political scientist at the Israel Democracy Institute, told the Associated Press. “Arab participation would open the door to the divisive questions here.”...........
.............Palestinian-Israelis join the July 14 protests at great personal risk. They fear that by joining the movement their own national identity will be co-opted to advance a struggle that will betray them in the end. Boudour Youssef Hassan, a 22-year-old law student at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is among many young Palestinian citizens of Israel who looked upon the demonstrations with suspicion. “At first I thought it was a good thing that they were confronting the right-wing government,” she said of the Jewish demonstrators. “But the longer it goes on the more I think they are simply using us Palestinians while their real goal appears to be the revival of the Zionist left.”
Abir Kopty, a Palestinian rights activist from the northern Israeli city of Nazareth, is one the few Palestinians to have insinuated themselves into the main protest area on Rothschild. Kopty played a central role in the establishment of Tent 1948 and she is a major presence at Palestinian tent protests around the country. “I’ve been a part of Tent 1948 not because I wanted to be part of J14,” Kopty told us. “My role there is to challenge J14 and to tell them they can’t have social justice without addressing issues like occupation. So I refuse to be a part of J14. I’m only there to challenge and to assert my Palestinian identity.”

Despite her prominent role, Kopty agreed with Youssef Hassan that the movement was exploiting her presence to burnish its social justice image. “I’m aware that they’re using me but it doesn’t matter because in the world [the July 14 movement] won’t receive any real support unless they address the Palestinian issue and the occupation,” Kopty said. “Palestinians aren’t really a part of J14 anyway because they generally didn’t go to Rothschild to set up tents. Instead they are setting up tents in their own neighborhoods just to say, ‘Hello, we are here.’”

But could the July 14 protests initiate a process that will eventually lead to the unraveling of the occupation and discrimination against Palestinians, as many on the Israeli left have suggested? “The injustice will continue,” Kopty declared flatly. “And I don’t believe J14 will create changes that are socio-political. But our struggle is completely political. So when J14 finally explodes because the different internal groups have contradicting interests — and they can’t remain apolitical forever — our struggle will go on.”..............
Ariel is the linchpin of the major settlement blocs Israel refuses to relinquish in final status negotiations. Built on hundreds of hectares of land confiscated from private Palestinian landowners and surrounded by the Israeli separation wall, which creates a wedge between seven nearby Palestinian villages, Ariel sits directly on top of one of the largest aquifers in the region. According to the Israeli human rights group B’tselem, Ariel residents receive 7.9 times more government subsidies than those who live inside Israel proper. This August, the Israeli government approved the construction of 277 new housing units in Ariel, including 100 for settlers evacuated from the Gaza Strip in 2005.
Ariel has become a symbol of the cognitive dissonance of Israel’s occupation. While its borders stretch deep into the West Bank, consolidating Israel’s domination over Palestinian life, its interior resembles a grassy bedroom community in Southern California, lined with neat rows of mission-style subdivision homes. From Ariel’s new university to its state-of-the-art theater to the gleaming sports center built thanks to the generosity of American junk bond kingpin Michael Milken and Texas mega-church pastor John Hagee, the settlement contains all the trappings of a “normal” community. The majority of Israelis have bought into the image of Ariel as Israel’s own Temecula — a suburb, not a settlement.

On August 13, when protest leaders declared an “expansion into the periphery” of Israel, Ariel held its first ever social justice demonstration, with hundreds of disgruntled residents demanding lower housing prices. Two days before, the July 14 movement endorsed the protest in Ariel, advertising directions to the demonstration on its official Hebrew website.

“This is the test,” the July 14 website proclaimed. “Are we together or are we not?”

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Die Autoren sind Max Blumenthal von seiner Web Seite und Joseph Dana wie er selbst beschreiben in seiner Web Seite

Kurze Video : Palestinian Rights Absent from Israeli Protest Demands

Álvaro Uribe von Paramilitärs Chef bis zu israel verteidiger

Die The New York Times hat Erste diesen Monat filtriert was des Palmer/Uribe-Berichts zu dem Überfall auf die Mavi Marmara am 31.05.2010 Entschieden haben .
Álvaro Uribe der von 2002 bis 2010 Präsident der kolumbianischer Republik war .Das DEA wüsste seiner Beziehungen mit Pablo Escobar wie auch noch in den Paramilitärs Gruppen begründet sein .
Vor Gestern der parlamentarische Vertreter von den Linke Mitte kolumbianischer Partei , Polo Democratico hat Öffentlische ein Video gezeigt , in dieser video gibt es einer Interview an frühere Paramilitär Chef in der kolumbianischer region die Antioquia , Iván Cepeda Castro , Heute verhafte , der sagt wie Uribe begrundetet der "Bloque Metro" von der AUC (Vereinigte Bürgerwehren Kolumbiens ) in Antioquia .

Dieser Information kommt von der kolumbianische Zeitung El Espectador

Video von seirner Interview ( in Kastellan ..)

In letzte Monat in der Antioqia Region gab es verschiedenen Anschlagen gegen dieser Partei .

The recent wave of protests in Israel

.........The dynamics that guard these protests is that of a social movement. However, the content of the demonstrators’ demands should be subjected to a serious discussion and critique. One of the major contradictory aspects of this movement is the exclusive understanding of the value of social justice. Social justice is a universal value, but for the protestors in Tel-Aviv’s Rothschild Ave., it is limited only to the internal dynamics of Israeli society. In Tel-Aviv’s Rothschild Ave., the root cause of the social injustices Israelis face are a taboo, that is, the occupation, colonial racism, militarization of all life’s aspects and the prevailing, aggressive neoliberal thought and system. These issues are deeply related to the Israeli state-building process.........
.........However, the contradictory nature of “social justice,” as this universal value is understood in Tel-Aviv’s Rothschild Ave., silences all issues of injustice related to the Palestinian people. I am not speaking of Palestinians in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and in exile, but also those who are Israeli citizens, who suffer daily from land confiscation, racist legislations, the nonrecognition of their villages by the state and the Judaization of the Naqab (Negev) and the Galilee. According to this movement’s discourse, these issues are “political” and not “social,” and are therefore not related included in the movement’s understanding of social justice. By considering themselves “apolitical,” the protestors ignore the occupation, the blockade on Gaza and state’s racist system against the Palestinian citizens. (Or, the protestors consider racism only in cases of Jewish Ethiopians and East Asian foreign workers, but even there solely on an individual basis) .
According to Israeli terminology, being “apolitical” allows the inclusiveness of groups from colonial settlements in the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Golan, which are being invited to take part of in the protests. This creates an ethical contradiction, and of course political. The values of the Israeli social movement, in other words, are only limited to Israelis. Palestinians, on the other hand, are excluded from any justice. According to the Israeli social movement, 7,000 Palestinian political prisoners do not deserve social justice. Furthermore, neither do Palestinian refugees and the internally displaced. The Apartheid Wall and the Gaza blockade are also not worthy “issues” to be dealt with by a movement that pretends to provide an open space. Colonizing settlers are welcome, not the Palestinian families that are victims of the Separation Wall erected by the Israeli law; not the solidarity movements for a just peace; not the peoples around the words who are victims of the bloody regimes of close military and intelligence cooperation with the State of Israel .
The Israeli social movements, abiding to the Israeli national consensus, ignores the rights of the “other” for social justice. By not dealing with the root-causes of the unjust system in Israel, the Israeli social movement wishes to make things “less unjust” rather than to change the system and the regime.

By not dealing with the colonial-racist Zionist ideology and the nature of the Israeli state, some are choosing to consider the Israeli social movement as “post-Zionist.” However, as we know very well, post-Zionism means neither anti-Zionism nor the de-Zionization of Israel. But I still believe that this movement can lead to changes in the direction of reestablishing the welfare capitalist state that existed in Israel . Such a state can meet the interests of a wider majority of Israeli citizens, including those of Palestinian citizens of Israel. However, the Israeli social movement cannot bring historical justice to the Palestinians in Israel. While some Palestinian organizations are participating in the social mobilization, they are fully aware that its demands do not wholly cover the Palestinians’ social and political agenda.

Der author Ameer Makhoul is a Palestinian Christian[1] Arab citizen of Israel[2] and the director of the Haifa-based Ittijah, the Union of Arab Community-Based Associations[3], a network for Palestinian NGOs founded in 1995 in Israel. The organization promotes Palestinian Arab civil society and advocates political, economic and social change for Palestinians who are denied access to infrastructure and services "due to discriminatory practices and policies of the (Israeli) State".[4]

In April, 2010 he was prevented by Israeli forces from leaving the country. Two weeks later, Makhoul was arrested and accused of consorting with a Hezbollah agent on previous visits to Arab countries. His arrest was also ordered sealed by an Israeli court at the request of the Shabak (also known as Shin Bet). However, Makhoul foresaw the arrest and had submitted an article to The Electronic Intifada that was published the day of his arrest. The Electronic Intifada also published a statement of Palestinian and Israeli human rights organizations on the arrest of Ameer Makhoul, revealing the circumstances of his arrest. No particulars about the charges could be published either. Rechavia Berman, Israeli editor of the Hebrew news site YouPost, defied the gag order and published the news there.[5] An English-language blog, Tikun Olam, also broke many of the details of the story that the security services sought to conceal.

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Die Folter des Ameer Makhoul

"Social justice for all!"

"Social justice for all!"

Thousands of Bedouins demonstrated in the southern city of Beersheba on Thursday to protest against a government project they say will displace tens of thousands of people from their land.

The demonstrators rallied in the city center shouting: "This land is ours, we are staying here!" and holding up signs reading: "No to the Praver plan" and "Social justice for all!" an AFP correspondent said.