Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten - Außenpolitik

‘New Turkey’: Toward an Authoritarian and Sectarian Police State

Türkisches Parlament gewährt Militär Immunität im Kampf gegen die PKK

Am 20 Juni wurden Şebnem Korur Fincancı, die Präsidentin der Menschenrechtsstiftung der Türkei (HRTF), sowie Erol Önderoğlu, der türkische Korrespondent von Reporter ohne Grenzen, und der Journalist Ahmet Nesin verhaftet. Sie hatten symbolisch zur Unterstützung der prokurdischen Zeitung Ozgur Gundem jeweils einen Tag lang die Position des Chefredakteurs eingenommen. Im Mai waren 12 Redaktionsmitglieder der Zeitung festgenommen worden, wie sie angeblich die PKK unterstützen würden. Seitdem hatten 44 Intellektuelle solidarisch die Position des Chefredakteurs eingenommen.

Ein Bild zeigt mehr als 1000 Wörten.....

Türkischen faschisten zusammen mit Erdogan Anhänger feier dass das mitlitär Putch dem Erdogan Putch nicht gestürtz wurde ...

The AKP mind content with the massacre in France

The massacre in Nice, France where more than 80 people lost their lives was met with glee from the AKP/Palace mind.

Anatolian Agency (AA) reporter Ali Kahrıman wrote in a tweet: “It might be a faulty break for the truck that drove into the crowd in France... It’s not terror...” The tweet ends with a face with tears of joy emoticon.

AKP Central Committee member and İstanbul MP Burhan Kuzu used the following expression in his controversial tweet: “The West is still protecting PKK and PYD; the approach to ‘let the sleeping dogs lie’ will come back and hit everybody one by one like this. The European Parliament still opens an exhibition for PKK terrorist organisation and tries to paint them as innocents.”

Anatomy of a Turkish assassination fable

It was all over the front pages in Turkey: "The No. 2 leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party [PKK], Fehman Huseyin [also known as Bahoz Erdal], has been killed.” Those who believed this news report were deemed "patriots," but those who questioned it were “terror supporters.” This is how the pro-government newspapers classify journalists.

Arms AKP sent to ISIS in trucks discovered in Manbij

KCK statement on the coup attempt in Turkey

KCK Executive Council Co-Presidency stated that portraying Tayyip Erdoğan and the fascist AKP dictator as if they were democratic after this coup attempt is an approach even more dangerous than the coup attempt itself.

Turkish protesters on tank AFP.jpg (371 kByte, 620 x 412 Pixel)

Zum Putsch: Keine der Konfliktparteien verteidigt die Demokratie

Mit einer Erklärung hat die Gemeinschaft der Gesellschaften Kurdistans (KCK) die Ereignisse in der Türkei rund um den Putschversuch in der vergangenen Nacht bewertet. Die KCK macht in ihrer Erklärung deutlich, dass es sich bei den Ereignissen nicht um einen Machtkampf zwischen Demokraten und Putschisten handelt. Vielmehr habe eine Militärclique den Putsch gegen eine andere Militärclique geprobt. Die AKP werde nun im Nachgang zu den Ereignissen versuchen, politischen Profit aus dem Putschversuch zu erzielen und sich zur Hüterin der Demokratie stilisieren. Dabei habe Erdoğan und seine AKP selbst nach den Wahlen vom 7. Juni 2015 gemeinsam mit der faschistischen MHP und dem Militär gegen den Willen der Bevölkerung geputscht.

Die vollständige Erklärung der KCK lautet wie folgt:

urkey's coup may have failed – but history shows it won’t be long before another one succeeds

Recep Tayyip Erdogan had it coming. The Turkish army was never going to remain compliant while the man who would recreate the Ottoman Empire turned his neighbours into enemies and his country into a mockery of itself. But it would be a grave mistake to assume two things: that the putting down of a military coup is a momentary matter after which the Turkish army will remain obedient to its sultan; and to regard at least 161 deaths and more than 2,839 detained in isolation from the collapse of the nation-states of the Middle East.

Coup Against Wannabe-Sultan Failed - Beware The Aftermath

There are three possible motives/perpetrators behind this coup:

the Islamic movement following the preacher Fetullah Gülen, a former Erdogan ally and now arch-enemy who lives in the U.S. and has CIA relations;
the old Kemalist secularist movement in the military and deep state;
the Erdogan AKP movement in a false flag operation to seize more power;

Turkey coup: 2,700 judges removed from duty following failed overthrow attempt

Turkey Suspends All US Operations Against ISIS At Incirlik Airbase, Which Vaults B61 Nuclear Bombs

Erdogans Röhm-Putsch

Wenn es eine Zeit gibt, um sich in Verschwörungstheorien zu ergehen, dann ist es während eines Umsturzversuches. Dieser geht ja zwangsläufig mit einer Verschwörung derjenigen Machtzirkel einher, die im Geheimen den Sturz einer Regierung planen. Ohne Verschwörung kann eine Junta logischerweise niemals erfolgreich sei. Generell gehören Verschwörungen zu den ältesten Machttechniken, die schon im frühen Altertum, am Beginn des Zivilisationsprozesses im Zweistromland, zur Anwendung gelangten.

Türkei: Putsch oder Inszenierung?

Es drängen sich Parallelen zum letzten Putsch in Spanien 1981 auf, der zur Absicherung der Monarchie diente

Fragen und Zweifel gibt es viele angesichts des Putschversuchs in der Türkei (Erdogans Röhm-Putsch). So stellen diverse Beobachter und Experten fest, wie dilettantisch, kopflos und mit geringen Kräften anscheinend versucht wurde, die Macht im ganzen Land zu übernehmen. "Wenn man sieht, wie dilettantisch der Putsch gelaufen ist, dann hat man fast den Eindruck, dass da jemand die Drähte gezogen hat", erklärte zum Beispiel der Türkei-Experte Udo Steinbach. Er schließt nicht aus, dass es genau Erdogan sein könnte, dem "jedes Mittel" recht sei, "um seine Macht zu erhalten".

WikiLeaks to release Turkey power structure documents

WikiLeaks has said it is planning to release documents on Turkey's political power structure, after a failed coup attempt over the weekend that left hundreds dead, thousands injured and more than 7,500 suspects in custody.

"Get ready for a fight as we release 100k+ docs on #Turkey's political power structure," the whistle-blowing organisation said on Monday via its official Twitter feed.

A majority of the documents will be in Turkish, WikiLeaks said.

Coup d'état attempt: Turkey’s Reichstag fire?

On the evening of July 15, 2016, a friend called around 10:30pm and said that both bridges connecting the Asian and European sides of Istanbul were closed by military barricades. Moreover, military jets were flying over Ankara skies. As someone living on the European side of Istanbul and commuting to the Asian side to my university on a daily basis and spending many hours in traffic in order to do that, I immediately knew that the closure of both bridges was a sign of something very extraordinary taking place.

Turkey's Attempted Coup

Turkey's democracy is dead. It was dying anyway, as President Recep Tayyib Erdogan took over media outlets, arrested political opponents and journalists, and even re-started a war with the Kurds last autumn in order to win an election. But once part of the army launched a coup attempt on Friday night, it was dead no matter which way the crisis ended.

It wasn't a very competent coup attempt. The first rule of coup-making is: arrest or kill the person you are trying to overthrow. The coup leaders should have been able to grab Erdogan, who was on holiday at the seaside resort of Marmaris, but they didn’t.

They didn't shut down the internet and social media either, so Erdogan was able to use his cellphone to get a message out on FaceTime, calling on his supporters to defy the soldiers on the streets of Istanbul and Ankara. They didn't even shut down the broadcast media that sent Erdogan's call out to the public.

It was three hours before they occupied the offices of TRT, the state broadcaster, and they were chased out again by Erdogan less than an hour later. They didn't ever try to shut down the private television networks, which have a much bigger audience.

Putin calls Erdogan, hopes for speedy return to stability

Did Erdogan STAGE the coup? US-based Turkish cleric facing extradition over botched rebellion claims president orchestrated plot to justify a clampdown on civil rights

New Ties Emerge Between Clinton And Mysterious Islamic Cleric

A newly-released email and lobbying documents filed with Congress reveals new ties between Clintonworld and members of a network operated by a mysterious Islamic cleric from Turkey.

Connections between Clinton and acolytes of the imam, Fethullah Gulen, could muddle the complex relationship between the U.S. and Turkey, a key NATO ally, if the former secretary of state wins the White House.

Turkey Accuses US Of Being Behind Military Coup, Demands Extradition Of Cleric Gulen

When earlier today we reported that Turkey has closed the airspace above, and suspended all US-led air missions out of the giant Incirlik airbase (which houses some 50 US nuclear bombs), we said that there is speculation the "airbase may be held "hostage" by Ankara as a bargaining chip ahead of demands for the extradition of Erdogan's arch enemy, Fethullah Gulen, currently a resident of the state of Pennsylvania." A few hours later this was partially validated when during a televised speech, Turkish President Erdogan called on the United States to extradite Fethullah Gulen, a US-based Muslim cleric he accuses of being behind Turkey's failed coup attempt.

Das Volk will nicht zwischen einem Militärputsch und einer Ein-Mann- bzw. Eine-Partei-Diktatur wähle

Das Volk will nicht zwischen einem Militärputsch und einer Ein-Mann- bzw. Eine-Partei-Diktatur wählen!
Die Antwort heißt: Verteidigung der demokratischen Rechte, der politischen Freiheit und Kampf für eine Volksdemokratie!

Türkei: Über 13.000 Personen von "Säuberungen" betroffen

Nach dem gescheiterten Putschversuch in der Türkei gehen die am Samstag begonnenen "Säuberungen" weiter: Inzwischen sollen 7.500 Personen festgenommen und 13.000 Beschäftigte im öffentlichen Dienst suspendiert worden sein - wie stark sich die beiden Gruppen überschneiden, ist nicht bekannt. Unter den Suspendierten befinden sich 2.745 Justizangehörige, 7.899 Polizisten und 30 der insgesamt 81 Provinzgouverneure; unter den Festgenommenen 103 Generäle. Sieben Personen wurden auf dem Luftwaffenstützpunkt Incirlik festgenommen, auf dem auch Bundeswehrsoldaten stationiert sind.

Turkey government seemed to have list of arrests prepared: EU's Hahn

The swift rounding up of judges and others after a failed coup in Turkey indicated the government had prepared a list beforehand, the EU commissioner dealing with Turkey's membership bid, Johannes Hahn, said on Monday.

Behind The CIA Desperate Turkey Coup Attempt

On the evening of July 15, a group of Turkish army officers announced that they had staged a military coup d’etat and had assumed control of the country. They claimed that Erdogan was in a desperate flight for his life and that they were now in the process of restoring order. The only problem for those army officers and their sponsors far away in Langley, Virginia and Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania– where Turkish political operator, Fetullah Gülen, hides in exile under CIA protection–is that they did not succeed. Behind the coup attempt is a far more dramatic story of the huge geopolitical shift that the often unpredictable political survivor, President (still) Recep Erdogan, was in the midst of making when Gülen’s loyalists made their desperate, now apparently failed coup attempt. What follows is a series of Q&A remarks to the background of the dramatic events unfolding in a pivotal part of the geopolitical order.

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Teflon Sultan

Ankara and Washington are now on a certified collision course

The End is near

Putschversuch und Gefahr des Bürgerkriegs?

Nur kurz hielt das Aufatmen am Wochenende an, als sich herausstellte, dass der Putschversuch in der Türkei gescheitert und die Gefahr einer Militärdiktatur abgewendet war. Doch nun scheint das Land am Rande des Abgrunds zu stehen. Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan führt eine beispiellose Säuberungsaktion durch, Kritiker und Gegner auf allen staatlichen Ebenen werden ausgeschaltet. Wie kam es dazu? Wie sieht die Lage derzeit aus? Droht der Türkei ein Bürgerkrieg?

Work travel ban on academics after failed coup

Säuberungen im Bildungsbereich

Nachdem in den letzten Tagen 13.000 Mitarbeiter von Justiz, Polizei und Verwaltung aus dem Dienst entfernt wurden, ermitteln die türkischen Behörden örtlichen Berichten nach gegen 15.200 Staatsbedienstete an Schulen und Universitäten. Angeblichwurden alleine 1.577 Universitätsdekane zum Rücktritt aufgefordert.

21.000 Lehrer an Privatschulen dürfen vorerst nicht mehr unterrichten. Privatschulen werden in der Türkei in großer Zahl von der Gülen-Sekte betrieben, die Staatspräsident Erdoğans für den Putschversuch vom Freitag verantwortlich macht. Der in den USA lebende Sektenführer Gülen und der AKP-Anführer waren früher enge Verbündete, überwarfen sich aber vor einigen Jahren.

Wenig Hoffnung für geflüchtete mutmaßliche Putschisten

Das diplomatisch-juristische Gerangel um die acht türkischen Staatsbürger, die mit einem Militärhubschrauber im griechischen Grenzort Alexandroupolis landeten (Griechenland-Türkei: Diplomatisches Dilemma), geht weiter. Wegen der üblichen Anklagen, mit denen theoretisch alle illegalen Grenzübertritte geahndet werden, und der mit dem Hubschrauberflug zusammenhängenden Vorwürfe der Verletzungen des Luftfahrtrechts mussten sie am Montag vor dem Schnellgericht erscheinen.

Turkish fighters 'scrambled to track navy boats headed for Greece'

Turkey reportedly scrambled fighter jets on Wednesday to check reports that missing coastguard vessels were sailing to Greek waters in the Aegean Sea, reports say.

The Reuters news agency quoted Turkish military sources as saying the planes had been sent to monitor the boats, but provided no further details.

The Turkish Dogan news agency also reported officials as saying the air force planes "launched an operation against two Turkish coastguard boats identified to be attempting to cross into Greek territorial waters".

The reports come five days after a failed coup against the government in Turkey.

Turkish intel informed top generals hours before coup attempt, says army

Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) informed the country’s top generals hours before the coup attempt was initiated by a group of soldiers within the army on July 15, while Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar evaluated the information and issued all necessary warnings and orders against “this despicable and miserable attempt,” according to a statement published on the General Staff’s official website on July 19.

Why Iran stood with Erdogan

As July 15 was coming to an end in Tehran, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was on the phone with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, whose government was under the threat of being overthrown by a military coup. Meanwhile, Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), was on another line with security officials in Ankara. All the while, Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force, Iran’s regional military arm, was busy pursuing and reviewing various scenarios that might emerge.

Türkei im Ausnahmezustand: "Wir haben Angst"

Präsident Erdogan hat für drei Monate den Ausnahmezustand ausgerufen. Wie erleben diejenigen, die nicht für die AKP sind, die Lage?

Um zu erinnirung.....
"Es gibt aktuell Beispiele in der Welt und auch Beispiele in der Vergangenheit. Wenn Sie an Hitler-Deutschland denken, haben Sie eines. In anderen Staaten werden Sie ähnliche Beispiele finden." von Erdogan....

The Coup in Turkey has Thrown a Wrench in Uncle Sam’s “Pivot” Plan

A failed coup in Turkey has changed the geopolitical landscape overnight realigning Ankara with Moscow while shattering Washington’s plan to redraw the map of the Middle East. Whether Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan staged the coup or not is of little importance in the bigger scheme of things. The fact is, the incident has consolidated his power domestically while derailing Washington’s plan to control critical resources and pipeline corridors from Qatar to Europe. The Obama administrations disregard for the national security interests of its allies, has pushed the Turkish president into Moscow’s camp, removing the crucial landbridge between Europe and Asia that Washington needs to maintain its global hegemony into the new century. Washington’s plan to pivot to Asia, surround and break up Russia, control China’s growth and maintain its iron grip on global power is now in a shambles. The events of the last few days have changed everything.

Dissecting Turkey's Gulen-Erdogan relationship

Should Gulen face trial for Turkish coup attempt?

Internationale Richtervereinigung spricht vom "zweiten Staatsstreich"

Türkei - Drehkreuz des Terrors?

Die Türkei ist zur Zielscheibe terroristischer Attentate geworden. Seit einem Jahr häufen sich die Anschläge und treffen auch die großen Städte Ankara und Istanbul. Hat der türkische Staat die Islamisten im eigenen Land zu lange geduldet? Wie kam es zu dieser Entwicklung? In der Dokumentation begeben sich Halil Gülbeyaz und sein Team auf die Spuren der "Gotteskrieger".

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Amnesty International erhebt Foltervorwürfe gegen türkische Polizei

Seit dem gescheiterten Putschversuch in der Türkei kursieren Bilder von Gefangenen im Netz. Sie stellen Menschen bloß, die malträtiert werden oder wurden. Die Absicht der entwürdigenden Bilder ist eindeutig: Es geht um Demütigung und um die Erzeugung von Furcht. Menschen in der Türkei werden sich reiflich überlegen, was sie wem genau sagen. Die Bilder werden in der Türkei gesehen. Die türkischen Medien sparen nicht mit Anschauungsmaterial, so der Vorwurf, der einem Bericht von Amnesty International zu entnehmen ist.

Erdogan's crackdown on enemies just getting started after failed coup

On July 23, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan closed thousands of charities and private schools as he expanded his crackdown in the aftermath of the failed July 15 coup. A restructuring of the military is also in the cards. Kadri Gursel reports that 35% (124 of 358) of the generals and admirals in Turkey’s armed forces (TSK) have been arrested, and that the coup was “widespread” with “nationwide tentacles.” He writes that, except for the Turkish navy, “it would not be an exaggeration to estimate that between one-third and one-half of forces on the ground had joined the uprising at various levels.”

Turks mass for post-coup Taksim Square ‘democracy festival’

Hundreds of thousands of flag-waving Turks massed on Sunday for the first cross-party rally to condemn the coup attempt against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Istanbul's Taksim Square was transformed into a sea of red national flags in what was dubbed a "democracy festival".

Demirtaş: ‘Turkish national front’ approach won’t solve the issues

Demirtaş spoke about the President Erdoğan inviting leaders of CHP, MHP and AKP and not sending them an invitation. Demirtaş said, “If they again want to act like HDP doesn’t exist and say they will solve the issues around a ‘Turkish national front’, that’s their prerogative, but this approach is very wrong and lacking.”

President Tayyip Erdoğan will meet with the leaders of AKP, MHP and CHP today to congratulate them on their approach to the coup attempt. But HDP, who had proposed a leaders summit before and had also signed the joint petition against the coup in the parliament, wasn’t invited to the meeting. HDP Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş talked about this situation in his talk with a group of journalists.

Die Tage nach dem Militärputsch in Istanbul

Eine Sammlung der Ereignisse vor Ort abseits der Mainstreammedien
Die kommerziellen Massenmedien in Europa waren in den letzten beiden Wochen seit dem Militärputsch am 15.Juli voll mit Informationen über die politischen Ereignisse in der Türkei, betreffend dem Vorgehen der AKP-Regierung, gegen Gülen-AnhängerInnen. Die folgenden Ausführungen sollen einen Eindruck über die Situation vor Ort, auf den Straßen und Plätzen in Istanbul geben.

The coup and the purge

All coups and coup attempts are, in and of themselves, are civil wars of small scale; they have winners and losers. While the consequences of the conflict, the fate of the losers, and the way in which the regime will be reshaped primarily depend upon the ideology and intentions of the winner, the former is also contingent upon the character of the means that put an end to the conflict. If only what suppressed the July 15 insurrection were mobilizations led by a democratic mass, new revolutionary democratic winds might have been blowing in the country now. Unfortunately that is not what happened; the coup attempt was deflated and eventually suppressed as a result of conflicts and schemes among the organs of the state.

AKP und CHP: Die neue Einigkeit

Das Parlament habe eine Einigung erzielt, verkündete der türkische Ministerpräsident Yildirim am Montag. Die Parteien wollen nun gemeinsam an einer Verfassungsänderung arbeiten. Gemeint sind die drei größten Parteien AKP, CHP und MHP. Die prokurdische HDP war von den Beratungen ausgeschlossen. Es war davon auszugehen, dass sie ihre Zustimmung nicht erteilt hätte. Also überging man sie - parlamentarische Demokratie auf Türkisch. Derweil bemüht sich die CHP um Einigkeit.

'Ataturk's soldiers' rally to Erdogan in rare show of Turkish unity

Secularists, nationalists and government supporters put differences aside, united in anger at foreign coverage of post-coup crackdown

Massive sackings begin under Turkey’s state of emergency

Turkish media and the country’s armed forces were targeted by the government on Wednesday for the first time since a state of emergency was declared in the country on 20 July after a botched coup attempt five days earlier.

More than 100 top officers and hundreds from the lower ranks were dishonourably dismissed, marking the biggest purge of the Turkish armed forces since the formation of the Turkish Republic in 1923.

A decree published in the official gazette on Wednesday evening also announced the closure of scores of media outlets.

Based on available information, the breakdown of the dishonourable dismissals in the armed forces is:

Army: 87 generals, 726 officers and 256 junior officers.
Air Force: 30 generals, 314 officers and 117 officers.
Navy: 32 admirals, 59 officers and 63 junior officers.

Turkey also closed more than 100 news outlets:

3 news agencies
16 TV stations
23 radio stations
45 newspapers
15 magazines
29 publishers and distributors

Turkey's failed coup reveals 'army within an army'

As of July 21, 124 Turkish generals and admirals have been detained on charges of participating in the failed coup of July 15. This will significantly affect the integrity and performance of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), as the TSK's total number of generals and admirals was 358. In other words, almost 35% of all TSK generals and admirals are in detention for participating in a coup attempt outside the armed forces hierarchy.

Turkey's coup may have failed – but history shows it won’t be long before another one succeeds

Too late did Erdogan realise the cost of the role he had chosen for his country – when you can no longer trust your army, there are serious issues that need to be addressed

Kurdish response to Turkish coup attempt

The pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) said in a statement on Saturday that it’s against any form of military coups in Turkey. Also, other opposition parties rejected the coup launched by elements in the Turkish army against the Turkish government.

Die Aleviten in der Türkei stehen unter Generalverdacht

"Liebste Heimat, sie nehmen dich mir weg, ich frage mich, gibt’s dich noch? Ich fühle mich so leer, so unbeholfen und ausgesetzt. Den hungrigen Wölfen ausgesetzt, die unsere Verzweiflung ausnutzen", schrieb die junge Alevitin Eda Pekinsoy in einem Appell, in dem sie ihre Ängste und ihre Sorgen über das Schicksal der alevitischen Minderheit in der Türkei zur Sprache brachte.

Die junge Alevitin ist eine von 700.000 bis 800.000 Aleviten, die seit Jahrzenten in Deutschland beheimatet und bestens integriert sind. Zur Zeit machen sie sich große Sorgen um ihre Glaubensschwestern und -brüder in der Türkei. Die 20 Millionen Aleviten, die in der Türkei leben (Kurden, Türken und Araber) sind sehr besorgt über ihre Zukunft. Diese Sorgen und Ängste der Aleviten wurden gestärkt durch Massenverhaftungen nach dem gescheiterten Militärputsch am 15. Juli 2016.