toriheads - Heads

head textures

head textures

If you'd like to buy a Toribash head texture, please PM Philly (the head maker) your specifications for the head in this format :
Theme:(the theme your head revolves around such as tribal,abstract, etc)

Colour:(Colour(s) you want to be used in your head)

Comments: (Anything else he should know about before making the head)
Price: (What you intend to pay when the head is complete)

Make sure to PM Philly if you want a head.

Re: head textures

I am the creator of this head, come to me with the order (as seen above) if you would like to buy a custom-made Toribash head.

When god gives you lemons, YOU FIND A NEW GOD.

Re: head textures

muahahaha jijin

Re: head textures

wtf xD. das forum hab ich total vergessen. ich wollte mich mal darum kümmern, damit hier auch ein paar reinschreiben, aber naja...xDDD