- Technik

SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do"

SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do"

Von nickt916

First i took off all all the obvious things like the hood, the front nose piece, the plastic piece that was covering the bottom of the pole, chin pad, and the handle bars plastic cover.

Where the wires are at the bottom it looks like you might come into trouble but its no biggy, there are 5 cables, 2 are breather tubed, 1 steering, 1 throttle and 1 electrical for the on/off. The rubber boot is made from 2 pieces, the piece that holds all the lines in place is the one that can be pulled out.

First i disconnected the steering cable from the steering plate, i then disconnected the throttle, i broke the finger throttle tho so be careful unless you want a new one like i do. Those 2 that you disconnect will go down through the pole... the on/off wires will come up through the pole. You will have to follow the on/off electrical wire to find the connectors, wich are by the electical box. I didnt start pulling out the cables and cords till i have completely unbolted the pole then as i was pulling the pole off i guided the things through the pole.

you can see in the picture wich cables went up and wich went down and 2 breathers

I then took off the turn plate, as ill be replacing it with a UMI, pulled the on/off switch and had just the pole and nothing getting in the way, much much better idea doing this off the jet than on the jet as it would make a big mess.

I was stuck between doing 3 or 4 inches, so i decided to go with 3.5, the pole goes inside the bracker about 1 1/4 or so, you can just look and see how far its in and meassure from there. As i meassured i marked the area where ill cut around.

i used a hand saw to outline the tape and make a small groove around the pole wich made it easier for me to keep the grinded disk going in a straight line

Before i went ahead to start cutting and making everything covered in dust i decided to drill out the rivets, after i drilled them out i used a screw to hammer them through, anything that fits in the hole nicely would work fine, its the best thing i had laying around by me.

I now grinded 2 areas of the pole, one right at the base, so i will have less to work with when trying to seperate the pieces from the bracket, then i cut it where i wanted to shorten the pole

Long sharp knife will be needed to cut the styrophome to complete the cut and you are done with the cut.

Now the hard part.

Remove the styrophome from inside the bracket by hands, also remove the aluminum pieces from inside but DONT throw them away you will need them, straighten them out if need be and remove the remaining pieces of the rivets.

You can try a sharp screw driver at first to remove some of the thicker stuff, a chizel will work food as well if its not to thick. i had a crappy knife laying around which was pretty solid and i used that the most with a hammer. Remove everything from inside as it will be a tight squeeze even with the bracket being completely clean.

sand the inside with a rouch sandpaper, dont use a grinded as you will grind the aluminum bracket in areas where you dont want, dont rush it take your time.

I sanded down the area that will go into the bracker, sand it so it wont have any shiny paint showing, use a rouch sandpaper as well, like a 60 or so. I then shoved the aluminum pieces in between the foam and the pole. I kinda put the bracker slightly on the pole and marker about where the holes should be and kinda eye balled the plates in there.

I then use some marine epoxy, applied it on the pole a thin layer and a thin layer inside the bracket base, let it dry for a few minutes so it wont run like crazy, then started putting it on the pole, i slid it on enough for it to stay in place, then started gradually getting the pole deeper in by hitting the bracket on a mat on the ground. Keep an eye on it everytime it move a bit to make sure its going on at a straight angle.

Before anything dried i decided to drill the holes. Use a small drill bit at first, because those aluminum plates you inserted into the foam are most likely not aligned and it would be easier to get them aligned with a small bit. If the bit doesnt go through because it keeps hitting the aluminum plate, try drilling it at different angles to catch the aluminum plate in the hole, then once you have drilled all holes you can go with the correct drill.

Before the epoxy dries rivet the base so it will be tight on all sides. make sure the ends of the rivets are long enough to be able to go deep enough to go through the aluminum bracker, the thick fiberglass and through the aluminum plates.

here is the pole done, i put it in place to take a picture as im not done yet because ill be getting the umi plate, umi turn plate and bars, looks good enough for me :)

Re: SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do"

Schön erklärt - wusste gar nicht, das das beim Superjet so "einfach" geht.....


Yamaha Blaster 1
Searay 200 Bowrider

Re: SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do" ich hab das ganze Heute gemacht dauer ca 2h...

"Achtung beim kürzen !!! "

Tip: mit einer Fein bzw. Schwingsäge eine saubere Sache...

Mfg Steve83

Die Baustelle geht weiter der Winter ist noch lang

es is einfach so...

Re: SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do"

Was ist nachher der Vorteil durch kürzen der Handlepole??

Re: SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do"

dass du nich wie sone wurst hinten am jet dran hängst, sondern durch dein nach vorne verlagertes gewicht viel mehr kontrolle bei den tricks hast - kurz gesagt

Hat schon mal einer hier in D eine AC-RN-Alu-Pole erfolgreich gekürzt???


baltic sea freakride division

Re: SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do"


dass du nich wie sone wurst hinten am jet dran hängst, sondern durch dein nach vorne verlagertes gewicht viel mehr kontrolle bei den tricks hast - kurz gesagt

Hat schon mal einer hier in D eine AC-RN-Alu-Pole erfolgreich gekürzt???

Abschneiden,schweissen,fertig,ganix los!

Re: SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do"

Wenn das ma so einfach wäre, hätte ich es schon längst machen lassen ;-)


baltic sea freakride division

rn0010.jpg (6 kByte, 150 x 113 Pixel)

Re: SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do"

Wenn das ma so einfach wäre, hätte ich es schon längst machen lassen ;-

Womit hast du Schwierigkeiten?

Re: SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do"

1. Wie bekommt man die Rohre im Inneren wieder vernünftig geschweißt?

2. Ist das Blech außen rum ziemlich dünn

3. Da ich das nicht wirklich selbst machen kann (kann zwar fast alles, was so anfällt , aber nich schweißen) muß ich es machen lassen und hier bei uns (im Nordosten)traut sich das keiner, weil die alle Angst haben, daß die Pole danach auseinander bricht, wenn sie mal mit meinem Körpergewicht dran und ordentlich Schmackes auf der Haube landet

Ich habe aber jetzt jemanden gefunden, dar das für mich macht, von dem ich denke, daß er weiß worauf es ankommt, also hat sich das Thema hoffentlich erledigt.

Bis denn


baltic sea freakride division

Re: SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do"

Hat der on/off Schalter nen Stecker den ich trennen kann oder muss ich den abklemmen um das Kabel durch die Pole zu bekommen??

Und ich bin 188cm groß, ist es da besser wenn ich die Pole kürzer mach als 5 cm oder reichen allgemein 5cm??

Re: SJ Handlepole kürzen "How to do"

Es sind 2 Stecker im Motorraum (einer weiß und ein schwarzer).In der Nähe der Blackbox,die kannst du abziehen.
Kürze muss jeder selber wissen,aber 5 cm ist nen guter Anfang,denn noch kürzer geht ja mmer.