Oracle of Darkness - Fun and other Conversations

Have a Break!

Have a Break!

Hey all!

In this part you can talk to the band members,
You can talk about subjects of your interests,
And also you can write if you need any advises or help in anything!

There will always be something to write,
So what ya waiting for??

- Constantin

Re: Have a Break!

mr vohs!!! (or any way u write it) nice... at least u're getting a move on on the band thingy haha... u kicked me of drums... T.T (just kidding xD) so i just wanted to congrat u

Re: Have a Break!

Now Wait a sec!
Alex, you know exactly that you still have a oportunity to play the bass,
or you can try out for our drummer, if enrique gets out.
Remember, we would always have a place for you.
Btw. Your warrior in WoW, sucks... haha... lmao, just kidding!

I Hope you like my offer. =)