Schüßler Mineralstoffe - Schüßler Salze – Alle Themen…

fungus/ psoriasis (english)

fungus/ psoriasis (english)

dear M,

Is there somebody who used some cellsalts ( schussler salts) to treat problems on the nails of the hand , some specifique symptoms as very often "called" psoriasis/fungus (maybe it's something else) .
danke sehr
thank you


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Re: fungus/ psoriasis (english)

Hello carey and perry,
you can find a proper mixture of Schüßler tissue salts here:

Also the Creme E/N and Askinel used alternate could be very helpful:

All the best,

<hr>„Es ist ganz und gar unmöglich, in irgend einer menschlichen Aktivität das geistige vom körperlichen Geschehen zu trennen.“ F.M. Alexander