Mira Suns Welt im Internet - Quatschen & Treffen


Re: Haremthread!

Ganz klar, Joaquin.


In euren Augen sehe ich jene Furcht, die auch mich verzagen ließe.
Der Tag mag kommen, da der Mut der Menschen versagt.
Wenn wir unsere Freunde im Stich lassen und der Bund der Gemeinschaft zerbricht.
aber dieser Tag ist nicht heute!! Heute kämpfen wir!

Der Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs
Dezember 2003

Guckt mal

Re: Haremthread!




Re: Haremthread!

Jaha, River


† In loving Memorys †

As Hollywood sleeps, a young man is dying on the
concrete of a sidewalk downtown.
As his brother weeps, the sirens come
calling and the medics feed him lines
on the ground

And they say he`s too young to surrender,
and they cry out, and they call him by name.
Their graffiti tells how he`s remembered.
Still, the river runs on just the name

† River Phoenix †

Re: Haremthread!



Re: Haremthread!


† In loving Memorys †

As Hollywood sleeps, a young man is dying on the
concrete of a sidewalk downtown.
As his brother weeps, the sirens come
calling and the medics feed him lines
on the ground

And they say he`s too young to surrender,
and they cry out, and they call him by name.
Their graffiti tells how he`s remembered.
Still, the river runs on just the name

† River Phoenix †

Re: Haremthread!

wenn du schon orlanda statt orlando schreiben musst, dann schäm dich mira

