+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In loving Memorys Hear say hear now, I´ve heard you`ve found There`s more across the way Now the other side can look so nice Until you`ve heard this myth won`t wash away I`ve heard there`s more in altered land No rocks, no tools, no stepping stones
River Phoenix
Re: Neuer Bilder-Thread :)
Oh die sind aber schön! *schmacht*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kleines verrücktes Seelchen, verliebt in Orlando Bloom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ist er nicht der hübschte Mann der Welt? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In euren Augen sehe ich jene Furcht, die auch mich verzagen ließe. Der Tag mag kommen, da der Mut der Menschen versagt. Wenn wir unsere Freunde im Stich lassen und der Bund der Gemeinschaft zerbricht. aber dieser Tag ist nicht heute!! Heute kämpfen wir! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Re: Neuer Bilder-Thread :)
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In loving Memorys Hear say hear now, I´ve heard you`ve found There`s more across the way Now the other side can look so nice Until you`ve heard this myth won`t wash away I`ve heard there`s more in altered land No rocks, no tools, no stepping stones
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In loving Memorys Hear say hear now, I´ve heard you`ve found There`s more across the way Now the other side can look so nice Until you`ve heard this myth won`t wash away I`ve heard there`s more in altered land No rocks, no tools, no stepping stones
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In loving Memorys Hear say hear now, I´ve heard you`ve found There`s more across the way Now the other side can look so nice Until you`ve heard this myth won`t wash away I`ve heard there`s more in altered land No rocks, no tools, no stepping stones