Peer2Peer & Computerforum - Games

Will of Steel Demo

Will of Steel Demo

Try Sinergy has released for Will of Steel a one level demo, giving you the chance to try out this modern warfare tactical 3D RTS game in the works at Gameyus Interactive. The game will be published in North America by TriSynergy and in Europe and Asia by GMX Media, with IncaGold now handling the licensing rights to this title in all remaining territories. As a young Marine officer, William Steel is the son of the highly decorated USMC General Thomas Steel. Players must assume command and responsibility of the battalion at his control and defeat the opposing forces in hostile locations around the globe. At the players disposal will be infantry, battle tanks, armoured personnel carriers, recon units and many other types of military hardware. The voice control feature will allow players to use vocal commands for control of all camera angles, assigned units, and special options - Air Attack, Transport, Special Teams etc.

Download: h++p://w*

Quelle: h++p://w*
