Pain Elemental



Hope Dies First

(1. Strophe)
We're sitting on a ball of fire
With a shell as thin as ice
Warmth and cosiness - our desire
But (we're) flying - somewhere out in space

I see (the) children of tomorrow drown in blood
I see nation digging graves on holy ground
I see your blinded eyes searching god
And I see myself - hope dies first

Yesterday they called it pessimism
Reality it is today
(and) What was told to be utopia
Soon will tear your dreams away

All I wanted to believe did fade away
Everything thats left for me is what I know
The last answer might be far behind the rain
All I know for shure - Hope dies first

Re: Texte

Sebastian. übrigens cooler text, lob an Martin

day turns to night as i rise from my grave
black was the hole where i laid

Re: Texte

ey maddin...echt guder text..wie kommt man auf so was?...

Re: Texte

neue version von "The Trooper", Iron Maiden

You roll a joint but i roll one too
You light the doobie and i sniff some glue
So while the ecstacy destroys your back
You better dance all night and smoke some crack
The acid hits and the trip begins
It's time for alcohol and vitamins
But screw the vitamins and smoke a fag
You get the munchies and a porno mag


The trip gets weird as you start to fly
Out of the window in the open sky
Your mates are laughing but you don't know why
Just then some aliens come floating by
They beam you up and they light a bong
These dudes are stoners and they sing a song
It sounds like Slayer mixed with Elton John
You buy their album and you sing along


Five hours later you're in your flat
Covered in puke and beer and other crap
Having a come down, you hear the door
They shout "open up", but you're on the floor
They break the door down and in they come
200 pissed off cops, they all have guns
So there's a lesson here for all you mugs
Get high on life and stay away from drugs!


day turns to night as i rise from my grave
black was the hole where i laid

Re: Texte

was is das, Berimor?

Re: Texte

Question Mark:
el heisst ...pearcing my ruind mind Aber es muesste perfomating my ruind mind heissen!!
dass passt aber net also mach: pearcing through my ruind mind oder nur: pearcing through...

Re: Texte


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Re: Texte

och lass doch den kopf net so haengen...sei doch ma en bissi optimistischer!!!verdammte scheisse....ich hasse optimisten!!!