WIE ES EUCH GEFÄLLT - ODER NICHT.... - Wie's gemacht wird.....

Tip for Canadians I....

Tip for Canadians I....

...and anyone able to understand English...

We are all familiar with the tv-commercials about CLR. Tough on stains and unclogs anything for example showerheads.

Well my friends save you money to buy the expensive CLR. Stick your showerhead in a container with white vinegar. Leave it there for a few hours and bingo the thing is like new.****

If you have tips, please don't keep them to yourself, post them here.

***after the job is done you may find other use for the vinegar. I don't recommend cooking with it after it did the showerhead job

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Re: Tip for Canadians I....

Canadian Gardeners.

By now, if you are a squash lover, you have planted your seeds for harvest of the delicious fruit/vegetable in the fall.

Storage tip to keep them up to next spring if you have the supply to do so.

When the vine is dried up at harvest time, pick them with a little piece of vine on them.

In a bucket of water to which you added a cup of javex wash them thoroughly. Rinse in plain water and dry. The javex kills any bacteria which may cause them to rott.

Store them a few inches apart in a cool place and enjoy them for dinner all winter long.

Anyone with tips for gardening, kitchen, home, etc., feel free to leave them here in English or in German.