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Längstes Topic

 Re: Längstes Topic

Let me wake up in your arms, hear you say it's not alright, let me never see the sun, never see you smile! Let us be so dead and gone, so far away from life! Close your eyes, hold me tight and bury me deep inside your heart!

Love is a flame that can't be tamed and though we are its willing prey, my darling, we are not the ones to blame.

Christoph Krieger & Tobias Heck Fan

Haldir for president
Théoden for king
Elladan for Asmy
Elrohir for me
Figwit forever

Re: Längstes Topic

auch bei diesem thema stimme ich dir zu

I want to know that I have been to the EXTREME


Elladan 4 president
You're not the only one who thinks he's dead...

 Re: Längstes Topic

Des isch aber ein HIM-Text

Love is a flame that can't be tamed and though we are its willing prey, my darling, we are not the ones to blame.

Christoph Krieger & Tobias Heck Fan

Haldir for president
Théoden for king
Elladan for Asmy
Elrohir for me
Figwit forever

Re: Längstes Topic

isch doch egal!
hier kann doch alles reinschreiben, was man will!

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhh FERIEN !

Johannes an die Macht!
Sebi 4 Obercheker
Stöcklin the Hacker
Hopfi 4 Laberking
Eminem 4 ever
50CENT 4 ever
Coole Kleine 4 never

Kitekatus 209776107

Re: Längstes Topic



Ich bin hier der Boss! ...und wenn du mucksch, fliegsch nicht raus!
Sag' dem Gundi einen Gruß!

Jo 4 President!
Schließer 4 Rasierer!
Gundi 4 Busfahrer des Jahres!
Asmara, Gruenblatt, Kittekattus 4 Ordensträger!
Glöckler Sepp 4 Ausreden-Weltmeister!
My Computer 4 Rostbüchse des Jahres!
Friends 4 ever!

Stöcklin the Hacker 209776107

Re: Längstes Topic

ich bin müde und vermisse ELOHIR

I want to know that I have been to the EXTREME


Elladan 4 president
You're not the only one who thinks he's dead...