carookee Support-Forum - Allgemein: Fragen, Antworten & Diskussion

Only members of your own forum

Only members of your own forum

Hi there,

Hope it´s ok that I write in English.

First, this forum is great! I really like it - great work!!

Second, is there no way of blocking users from other forums of carooke?

And my last question , is there a way to block a username?

best wishes


Re: Only members of your own forum

No problem. I'm pretty sure that more english-speaking people will join our groups in the future. :)

Thanks very much.

There is no difference between unregistered people and those registered with other carookee forums. They both have to join your group first if they want to be a member. I think I can understand your confusion. See below.

We are currently developing improvements for users and membership. These will allow you to block usernames which then cannot be chosen at the registration process until you unblock them. In addition there will also be a better handling for all nick-names used in the group.


Re: Only members of your own forum

Great Mat!

Thanks for your info, have a nice day.
