boa des is ja wucher ich glaub ich such mir eine andere bar
**************************************** Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)
Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me! Spike: I love you! Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me! Spike: I always want you!
Ja das ist mein Spike :D!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I feel my wings have broken in your hands I feel the words unspoken inside and they pull you under... and I would give you anything you want,but no. Youn were all wanted and all my dreams are falling down... Crawlin' around,and around... Crawlin' around,and around...
Somebody save me! Let your warm hands break right through Somebody save me! I don't care how you do it just stay! Stay c'mon,I've been waiting for you.
Re: ~~~~Bar~~~~~~
Also, jetzt nööö... *liebguck* Muss ja auch Miete zahlen! Sagen wir 4,50 $, okay?
* Forever. Thats the whole point! *
Re: ~~~~Bar~~~~~~
*lol* oki ausnahmsweise*g*
**************************************** Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)
Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me! Spike: I love you! Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me! Spike: I always want you!
Ja das ist mein Spike :D!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I feel my wings have broken in your hands I feel the words unspoken inside and they pull you under... and I would give you anything you want,but no. Youn were all wanted and all my dreams are falling down... Crawlin' around,and around... Crawlin' around,and around...
Somebody save me! Let your warm hands break right through Somebody save me! I don't care how you do it just stay! Stay c'mon,I've been waiting for you.
Re: ~~~~Bar~~~~~~
Toll! Oh mein Gott, hilfe; Smiliealarm!!!
* Forever. Thats the whole point! *
Re: ~~~~Bar~~~~~~
Ja oki, zwar etwas wenig, aber damit kann ich fürs erste Leben, hab ja noch so einige jobs .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Slayer and the dark and sexy Vampire!