The Bronze - Sitzecke

Happy Birthday...

Happy Birthday...

mein STeinchen..
na wie fühlt man sich als alter Stein `
mit 17 gehört man ja schon zum alten Gesterin
aber immerhin hab den Geburttstag ned vergessemnn fordere einen Orden

Ok feier schön un lass es KRACHEN


- Rulz
Knuddelz to all Members *grinza*

Re: Happy Birthday...

Auch von mir Happy Birthday,,,
Sorry das ich dir erst jetzt gratuliere ich hatte gestern keine Zeit...
Also hoffe du hast schön gefeiert!!
Hab dich lieb

Buchstabenclub RULZ knuddel to all members

Angel: Hey. I was wondering when you were coming.
Buffy: I'm not coming back. We're not friends. We never were. And I can fool Giles, and I can fool my friends, but I can't fool myself. Or Spike, for some reason. What I want from you I can never have. You don't need me to take care of you anymore. So I'm gonna go.
Angel: I don't accept that.
Buffy: You have to.
Angel: How can...There's gotta be some way we can still see each other.
Buffy: There is: tell me that you don't love me.

~*~*~*Buffy and Angel forever~*~*~*~*

Re: Happy Birthday...

Danke, dass ist ja total süß von euch... *Darky einen Orden verleih* Den hast du dir verdient!
Jaja, hab schön gefeiert...

rulz! an alle Member

Darky's persönliches Scherzsteinchen

Angel: "Am I worth saving, huh? Am I a rightious man? The world wants me gone!"
Buffy: "And what about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away.
I killed you and it didn't help. And I hate it! I hate that it's so hard. And that you
can hurt me so much... And I know everything that you did 'cause you did it to me.
Oh God! I wished that I wished you dead. I don't. I can't!"
Angel: "Buffy, please. Just this once, let me be strong!"

Danke an Sarah für den Smilie

Re: Happy Birthday...

Dankeschön..der kommt übers Bettt


- Rulz
Knuddelz to all Members *grinza*

Re: Happy Birthday...

*Photo sehn will* Hast du dir echt verdient!

rulz! an alle Member

Darky's persönliches Scherzsteinchen

Angel: "Am I worth saving, huh? Am I a rightious man? The world wants me gone!"
Buffy: "And what about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away.
I killed you and it didn't help. And I hate it! I hate that it's so hard. And that you
can hurt me so much... And I know everything that you did 'cause you did it to me.
Oh God! I wished that I wished you dead. I don't. I can't!"
Angel: "Buffy, please. Just this once, let me be strong!"

Danke an Sarah für den Smilie