The Bronze - Sitzecke

Lord of the Rings

Re: Lord of the Rings

Dann is gut *freu* Ich hoff mal, dass ich es fertig hab, bis der Film rauskommt...

Angel: "Am I worth saving, huh? Am I a rightious man? The world wants me gone!"
Buffy: "And what about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away.
I killed you and it didn't help. And I hate it! I hate that it's so hard. And that you
can hurt me so much... And I know everything that you did 'cause you did it to me.
Oh God! I wished that I wished you dead. I don't. I can't!"
Angel: "Buffy, please. Just this once, let me be strong!"

Re: Lord of the Rings

dann halt dich ran

- Rulz
Knuddelz to all Members *grinza*

~~Schaut doch mal vorbei!!~~

Re: Lord of the Rings

Hab schon das erste Buch im Buch fertig Haste jetzt hoffentlich kapiert...

Angel: "Am I worth saving, huh? Am I a rightious man? The world wants me gone!"
Buffy: "And what about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away.
I killed you and it didn't help. And I hate it! I hate that it's so hard. And that you
can hurt me so much... And I know everything that you did 'cause you did it to me.
Oh God! I wished that I wished you dead. I don't. I can't!"
Angel: "Buffy, please. Just this once, let me be strong!"

Re: Lord of the Rings

Ja habs verstanden

- Rulz
Knuddelz to all Members *grinza*

~~Schaut doch mal vorbei!!~~

Re: Lord of the Rings

Dann ist gut! Wollt heut eigentlich mit dem 2. Buch anfangen, aber weil des Forum ja wieder spinnt...

Angel: "Am I worth saving, huh? Am I a rightious man? The world wants me gone!"
Buffy: "And what about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away.
I killed you and it didn't help. And I hate it! I hate that it's so hard. And that you
can hurt me so much... And I know everything that you did 'cause you did it to me.
Oh God! I wished that I wished you dead. I don't. I can't!"
Angel: "Buffy, please. Just this once, let me be strong!"