


WhatsApp is a well-known application used for sending messages, recordings, media files, and more. It makes the communication process easier, but it is also used for business purposes. Still, sometimes we don't think that other people should see our visits. That's where Archive Feature highlights come in, hiding your conversations and making sure no one can get to them.

If you wonder how to hide Whatsapp conversations without Archive Feature? We've got you covered! In this article, we will guide you the most proficient way to hide your WhatsApp conversations without using Archive Feature.

Section 1: Can I Hide WhatsApp Access Without Files?

In fact, you can quickly hide your Whatsapp discussions without using history. However, keep in mind that this option is not accessible in the official WhatsApp app. This means you need to bring in an external application to make it happen. Below we have covered the various methods on how to hide WhatsApp access on Android and iPhone.

Section 2: How to hide WhatsApp Talk without files?

Here are various methods you can use to hide WhatsApp conversations without Chronicle. How do we examine these strategies individually.

Way 1: Introduce WhatsApp MOD App for Android

How to hide access in WhatsApp without Archive Feature? As mentioned above, you can use other external applications to hide WhatsApp conversations. So you can also download GB WhatsApp, YO WhatsApp and WhatsApp. These Android apps are great for hiding your discussions without files. Let's take a look at how the first app can help you hide WhatsApp groups without Chronicle.

Hide WhatsApp Conversations Using GB WhatsApp App

GB Whatsapp app helps to hide WhatsApp conversations and passwords. This application is available for both Android and iPhone devices, which means you can use it to hide WhatsApp access on iPhone as well. Still, it's not accessible on the Google Play Store, so you'll need to download its APK from the web. Here's how you can hide WhatsApp discussions without files.

Way 2: Use Whatsapp Talk storage to hide WhatsApp access

If you are clueless about how to hide WhatsApp conversations without files in Android, you can do it effectively by downloading Use Store for Android.

This application ensures that you can hide your conversations on WhatsApp without files. The good thing is that you can effectively download this app from the Google Play Store.

How do we feel about the functionality of this app?
Download and import the Storage app from the Google Play Store. Send application by phone and request availability consent.

When authorization is granted, open the selection of administrations.

Currently, your WhatsApp access is harvested and kept away from others.

With this, we finally provide you with how to hide WhatsApp access without documentation. You can follow these strategies and hide your discussions on Android and iPhone. Likewise, you can download iTolab WatsGo which helps in strengthening and rebuilding WhatsApp data.