Was bereits Bendis Äusserungen auf dem BenBo vermuten liessen, scheint sich nach Rich Johnstons Recherchen zu bewahrheiten:
Im told Grant Morrison turned in the issue one script back in November. However, it was not exactly what has been previously discussed and didnt bounce off from the end of Countdown" as intended. It also goes off on what can only be described as Morrisonian tangents. You know, what readers call the good bits."
Oh, oh. Mit den Verspätungen kann ich ja noch leben aber mit "MORRISONIAN TANGENTS"? Klingt nach LSD-Morrison.
So Dan DiDio flew to Scotland after Thanksgiving to discuss possibilities further. I understand the script is unchanged, but it was from those discussions that the 50 cent DC Universe" #0, shipping the week after Free Comic Book Day, emerged. Co-written with Geoff Johns, it will keep any "Countdown" continuity issues out of the Final Crisis" series and prepare the way... very much the John The Baptist of comic books.
Artist JG Jones is currently working on issue two. I've been told that if there are production delays, rather than throw in "Countdown"/"Infinite Crisis" style fill-in artists, or cause "Civil War" style sales-harming delays on the book, expect the pages by JG Jones to reduce for subsequent issues with back up stories with the DCU #0 artists Scriver, Pacheco and Daniel to replace them. Which means the book may extend a couple of issues to fit in all of Morrisons story, the retailers get their fill, and everyone wins...
Die Lösung: Star Zeichner als Fill ins. Keine schlechte Idee. Das J.G. das selbst nicht hinkriegt dürfte mittlerweile klar sein, ausser er zieht einen "Brian Hitch an F4" ab.
O.K. Leute, macht euch auf ordentliches Gehype gefasst
Neue Justice League Serie
James Robinson übernimmt NICHT wie im Vorfeld vermutet die reguläre Serie Justice League of America sondern bekommt eine neue Serie mit dem Titel "JUSTICE LEAGUE". Angeführt wird das neue Team von Green Arrow und Green Lantern ("Damn you Robinson! ).
Ihr wollt einen Handyvertrag abschliessen, haltet aber alle Handy erkäufer für Betrüger? Dann schliesst euren Vertrag bei eurem Forenliebling und Handyspezi ab oder verlängert ihn