
Tom Brevoort über die Stärken einiger Autoren

Tom Brevoort hat in seinem Blog ein wenig zu den Stärken verschiedener Autoren geschrieben:








Sehr nett und imo weitgehend zutreffend


Bendis on Wordballoon

Here are some highlights from Part 1...

# Bendis has two Hollywood projects he's due to start once the WGA strike ends, He can't talk about them until after the strike is settled.

# Could Powers continue after the death of either Christian Walker or Deana Pilgrim?

Bendis: "Sure. How do you know I haven't (written) that already?"

# Don't speculate that the Hood's group of villains in New Avengers books represents Bendis new take on the "Masters of Evil". That story is still coming.

# There will be rotating artists on New and Mighty Avengers due to the nature and pacing of the Secret Invasion story. This will allow a bunch of artists to jump on the books whose schedule would only allow one or two issues. After that there will be a regular artist on New Avengers, and a surprising announcement about Mighty Avengers.

# Secret Invasion will deal with The Hand's reaction to their being led by the Skrull/Elektra, and we'll see more of the Infinity Gem in Black Bolt's possession (a dangling plot line from The Illuminati mini-series).

# What does the future hold for Quicksilver?

Bendis: "He was a big topic of the last Marvel retreat... in fact a vote was put about his future as a character, so you'll be seeing a lot of him."

# Daredevil: End of Days has been delayed due to artists David Mack and Klaus Janson getting other front burner projects that have to take priority, but work continues on the DD story.

Bendis: "I've seen pages and they're gorgeous."

# The Bendis/Alex Maleev Spider-Woman book starts, "The moment Secret Invasion ends."

# Bendis defended his story choice of having Wolverine confront Spider-Woman in the shower. In New Avengers #36.

Bendis: "Wolverine would wait till she's in the shower, at her most vulnerable. Plus Jessica and Logan have had an intimate relationship in the past. I know nudity and sex makes people uncomfortable, but I don't care...It's never done cheaply (by Bendis)."

# If Bendis' voice is raspy it was due to his loud disagreements with Jeph Loeb at the Marvel retreat.

Bendis: "When we're yelling we're like it's the end of civilization...Sometimes the argument brings out better ideas for both of us, but it's really like Joe putting two pit-bulls in the same room..."

Siuntres says, "That story is truly one of the funniest creator anecdotes I've heard since starting the Word Balloon podcast.”


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Bendis die Schreibmaschine!

In 2007, Bendis had 1,086 pages worth of comics he's written published.

That's an average of 91 pages - or just over 4 twenty-two page comics - a month (and it's also worth noting that had Mighty Avengers and HALO: Uprising not been delayed, they would have shipped four and two more issues by now, respectively).

In 2006, it was 1,123 pages.

In 2005, it was 1,620 pages (ave. of 6 twenty-two page comics a month).

In 2004, it was 1,638 pages.

In 2003, it was 1,460 pages.

In 2002, it was 1,368 pages.

In 2001, it was 1,176 pages.

In 2000, it was 789 pages.

Thought you'd like to know.

David Aspmo

Re: Bendis

Der Bendis wird doch wohl nicht krank sein? So wenig hat er seit 2000 nicht mehr geschrieben.

Greg Pak ist ein Porno-star

so im surfing some websites i like. this one post links to cool or funny things and one thumbnail is of a girl's face in what appears to be an expression of mid-orgasm moaning. the caption is something like "this is not what it appears to be." so, bored and intrigued, i click on the thumbnail. the page comes up, porno ads all over the place, the video in the center. above the video it says "amateur ecstasy: these women really need release!" it loads, i hit play.

it opens with the fuzzy noise you'd expect from a low quality production. this video was probably copied from a vhs, i think. it says "pak man productions presents". then it fades into the next screen which says "ALL AMATEUR ECSTASY".

then a close up of a girls face. she is laying down. she begins to moan and stretch over the red bed she is on. she says "oh my god". the scene fades to another women, a secretary, with her hands in her crotch, moaning loudly. the boss peaks in the window. cut to a naked woman in a shower, one hand is below while the other feels herself up. cut to the first girl, her hand is in her pants, more moaning. visible nipples. back to shower girl, moaning. back to secretary girl, moaning, with a vibrator noise. several fast cuts between each girl. more "oh my god"s and moans. and then...


they each sneeze! revealing their orgasms weren't orgasms at all, but the "ah ah ah ah"s that precede sneezes. they blow their noses.

cut to credits. first the actresses, then the producer, then "WRITTEN, DIRECTED, PRODUCED, SHOT, AND EDITED BY GREG PAK". a few more credits.

then more scenes. the secretary reveals it was her pager that was vibrating. the peeking boss is disappointed. the shower girl exits and blows her nose.

the final screen is... " copyright 2001 greg pak. all rights reserved." now points to which is our greg pak's website.

has anyone else ever seen this thing? i'd post a link, but the page is covered in pornography. it's funny in that sort of way that makes you laugh a single "heh". but it blew my mind that i had stumbled across some psuedo pornography made by one of my favorite comic writers.

two more seconds of searching and i found a link, in a very obvious place. -

Stan Lee an Bob kanes Begräbnis

“I was at Bob Kane’s funeral,” Evanier said. “There were only four people from comics there: me, Stan Lee, Mike Barr and Paul Smith. A whole bunch of Batman toys were put into Kane’s coffin and they were lowering it down. As the Kane was being put into the ground Stan turned around to me and said ‘Steve Ditko was the best inker Jack Kirby ever had.’”  Evanier admitted that Lee didn’t have the best attention span.

Re: Tom Brevoort über die Stärken einiger Autoren

Wo hast du das denn her? War bei mir der Lacher des Tages.


"SCALPED is some of the most compelling character work and crime writing I've seen in a long time." -Ed Brubaker

Re: Tom Brevoort über die Stärken einiger Autoren


Was wurde aus dem alten Bendis?

Will the Real Brian Bendis Please Stand Up? fragte sich Don MacPherson in seinerKolumne:

und Bendis sein Kommentar dazu:

Ellis über Marvel

Over at Whitechapel, Warren Ellis is continuing to talk about leaving Thunderbolts and his stance on creator-owned work:

I actually had no intention of going back into WFH (work for hire). The creator owned stuff was selling to expected numbers and things were ticking along fine.

What happened was that Mark Millar and Brian Bendis got in touch — they’d hit a scheduling wall and weren’t able to service twelve issues of ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR, and asked me to help them out. And when your friends ask you for a favour, you do it, you know? So I said yes, and got to work.

That’s how I ended up doing more superhero comics.

The first odd thing happened after the first issue came out. Now, remember, I’d been doing mostly original material for the previous few years, and doing fine. But I was suddenly flooded with email from kids — teenagers — who had never heard of me before. What was happening, it turned out, was that I was reaching seven or eight hundred stores at maximum, and there was anything up to a couple of thousand stores who just weren’t ordering my stuff. I remember talking this over with people at Marvel and particularly DC, and it turned out that this was in fact the case — that two thirds of comics stores really don’t order much other than superhero comics and a few licensed books. And in those years of doing my own thing, the audience had turned over to the point where there were people who’d never read a thing by me. It hadn’t been all that long ago that I’d been selling 200,000 copies of DV8 and 150,000 copies of WOLVERINE, I thought…

The second really odd thing came in some months later. Sales of TRANSMET TPBs spiked massively. And the only thing that had changed was that I was writing UFF. What had happened was that these new readers had liked UFF, gone looking for other stuff by me, found nothing in their local store, gone to Amazon or bookstores, and picked up TRANSMET books. A few months later, I saw numbers on all my other creator-owned TPBs pick up too.

And now we can sell more than 12,000 copies of CRECY in a matter of months.

And what’s REALLY strange is that I discovered Marvel under Joe Quesada and Dan Buckley is in fact a really nice place to work.