
und wieso er Thudnerbolts verliess

The tenor -- and, frankly, the informedness -- of online comics conversation over the last five years has changed to the point where I probably need to explain once again why I don't stay long on company-owned works.

It's as simple as this -- if I don't own it, I'm not going to spend my life on it. Joe Quesada and Dan Buckley know that, they're fine with that, and they hire me on that understanding. EDITED TO ADD: I am work-for-hire exclusive to Marvel, and I move between projects at Marvel with their agreement. I think a few people forgot that.

Or, if you like: you can only paint someone else's house for so long before you start thinking that it might be nice to own your own house one day.

I'm okay with painting other people's houses for short periods, because I'm good at it and it pays well and on nice days it's fun. But I never ever confuse painting a house for owning that house. And if I spent every waking hour painting other people's houses, I wouldn't be able to build houses of my own.

The more creators who only took on housepainting as a part-time gig, the healthier this medium would be.

when has the language changed from "i don't do superhero comics" to "i don't stay long in superhero comics"?

Years ago. Keep up, son!

When the market changed, to the point where non-superhero books weren't getting ordered in two-thirds of stores -- when that actually became a submarket of its own, in fact. I've talked about this before. I say what I think needs to be said at the time -- dogma is stupid, the environment around you changes all the time and you need to adapt with it. Original work is still and always will be the only coin of value that a writer has -- my point always was and is that you need to be bringing something new to the table, and you can't do that if all you ever intended to do was write Spider-Man.

but if I had to measure what I've read in pages, I'd guess you've written more superheroes than creator-owned. Is this true?

I don't think so. Possibly, possibly not. Might be a close-run thing! Having 1300 pages of TRANSMET in there makes it difficult to guess -- that's as many pages as my ULTIMATE FF, EXCALIBUR, THUNDERBOLTS, IRON MAN and ULTIMATE GALACTUS runs, right there... Not particularly interested in the calculation, but I think it'd about balance out...

Gene Colan ist schwer krank

20th Century Danny Boy reports that legendary artist Gene Colan’s liver is failing him, according to an email sent by Gene’s wife, Adrienne:

My darling, sweet, handsome and brilliantly gifted husband’s liver is failing. The complications are very nasty. This week it’s fluid retention and encephalitis. He’s on powerful meds now to diminish the symptoms. He sleeps a lot and has very little energy.

Clifford Meth is putting together an auction on Colan’s behalf; more details can be found here.

Colan’s work spans several decades and includes runs on Daredevil, Howard the Duck, Iron Man, Night Force, Dr. Strange and Tomb of Dracula. We here at Blog@ send our best to Colan; our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.

Re: und wieso er Thudnerbolts verliess

ein schöner Rückblick auf die Glanzzeit und das Schaffen von CLAREMONT!!!

und besonders wegen diesem Satz Goldwert: (denkt ans PF*)

Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: und wieso er Thudnerbolts verliess

Dan Abnett und Andy Lanning (DNA) sind jetzt Marvel Exclusive!


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: Autoren

irgendwie vermisse ich KIRKMAN bei Marvel, macht der noch was...?


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: und wieso er Thudnerbolts verliess

Von dem müßte doch bald mal Killraven mit Rob Liefeld erscheinen, oder?
Wahrscheinlich wartet man ab, bis Liefeld das Ding unter Dach und Fach hat, damit das nicht wieder so ein Trauerspiel wird wie Onslaught Reborn.


"SCALPED is some of the most compelling character work and crime writing I've seen in a long time." -Ed Brubaker

Re: und wieso er Thudnerbolts verliess

Paul Jenkins ist ja auch verschwunden.