CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

Re: kleines: Whose Side Are You On - Update! (Stand: CIVIL WAR # 2 / 7)

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Aspen-Variant Cover zu CIVIL WAR: X-MEN # 1 / 4


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

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Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

Ich merke gerade, dass ICH niemals gewinnen werde, da ich einige Aspekte von CIVIL WAR masslos unterschätzt und im Vorfeld konsequent fehlinterpretiert habe!

Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: kleines: Whose Side Are You On - Update! (Stand: CIVIL WAR # 2 / 7)

Firestar retired herself in CW:FL#2

Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: kleines: Whose Side Are You On - Update! (Stand: CIVIL WAR # 2 / 7)

Ich glaub übrigens, daß Cap der sein wird, der gefangen genommen wird.
Warum? Weil Millar im Wizard gesagt hat, daß dies eine entscheidende Szene wird, und der gute Steve ganz schön einstecken mußte in Civil War #3, aber ich kann Tony nicht böse sein, dafür ist seine Rüstung einfach zu cool.

Mr. Blonde: Torture you? That's a good idea. I like that.


"SCALPED is some of the most compelling character work and crime writing I've seen in a long time." -Ed Brubaker

Re: kleines: Whose Side Are You On - Update! (Stand: CIVIL WAR # 2 / 7)

RE: Bandaged guy in Frontline


> Now MY question is who's the guy with the bandages? The Living Mummy?

Yep, that was the Living Mummy. When we got the scripts, we questioned his inclusion, seeing as how he's a SHIELD agent already. Basically, it appears he's there for some other reason beyond not signing the Act, but I don't think that will be addressed in the series.

Madison Carter
co-writer - All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 2006

RE: Spider-Marriage


Another theory I haven't heard of before, but it's one way to dissolve the marriage without divorce..

De-Aging Spiderman (ala Ultimate Spidey)

Re: kleines: Whose Side Are You On - Update! (Stand: CIVIL WAR # 2 / 7)

Also, starting in November some Marvel will be branded as “Casualties of War” -- similar to how they branded titles as “Spider-Man Unmasked” and “Road to Civil War”. Those titles are:


In December


In January 2007

Re: kleines: Whose Side Are You On - Update! (Stand: CIVIL WAR # 2 / 7)

Was ist denn dieser Civil War: War Crimes One-Shot?
Der stand bisher auf keiner Liste...

Jules: We should have shotguns for this kind of deal.
Vincent: How many up there?
Jules: Three or four.
Vincent: That's countin' our guy?
Jules: Not sure.
Vincent: So that means there could be up to five guys up there?
Jules: It's possible.
Vincent: We should have fuckin' shotguns.


"SCALPED is some of the most compelling character work and crime writing I've seen in a long time." -Ed Brubaker

Re: kleines: Whose Side Are You On - Update! (Stand: CIVIL WAR # 2 / 7)

dürfte auch erst in den nächsten Solis auftauchen...


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: kleines: Whose Side Are You On - Update! (Stand: CIVIL WAR # 2 / 7)

Brevoort über die CW Verspätungen