CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

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Marvel Checklist
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Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

ich bin für die Registrierung, und war für iron man, da sie jedoch verlieren werden(sollte meine Theorie wahr sein, dass das anti-registrierungsteam Cap, wolverine, echo, Ares, spidey1 & 2 weiterhin bei den New Avengers sein werden. Bendis hatte irgendwo gesagt, dass er eine Echo Iron Man romanze geplant hatte, da Echo nach CW in New Avengers zu sehen sein wird, wird wohl iron man abtanzen

Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

Erstmal: Welcome back! Wie war der Urlaub?

Zweitens: Du und deine Theorien

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Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum


Geh mal in den Umfrage Thread. Dort tobt eine giftige Diskussion und ich brauche Verstärkung bei meinem vollkommen nachvollziehbaren und kaum bestreitbaren Pro Registrierungs Argument.

Phil & Lamonds Comic-Kolumne

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Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

Vielen Dank! Ferien waren supi.

Wart's ab. du wirst es sehen, das witzige ist, wenn Iron Man die Rächer zwingt auszuziehen und diese sich dann zwei Stockwerke höher beim Sentry einnisten

Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

Schön zu hören... ich erhoffe mir von meinem nächsten Urlaub auch etwas mehr Erholung als beim letzten und endlich mal mehr Zeit, mich wieder ausgiebig um das zentrale Geschehen, den Characterprofilen widmen zu können!

Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

Die Civil War solicitations für Juli

Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

Palmiotti said he was told by editorial that Iron Fist would be missing in action thanks to "Civil War," so he certainly couldn't be considered for use.


Marvel hat ein kleines Filmchen zusammengeschnitten, mit Szenen aus den Comics, die schon über die letzten beiden Jahre hinweg auf das CIVIL-WAR-Großereignis hingedeutet haben:

Leider ist mein Quicktime dafür nicht ausgerüstet, aber die Stimme und der Text klingen schon mal ganz gut!

Aus dem Marvel-Pressebüro:


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

Here's roughly how it all went down. (quoted for reading ease, not because this is actually a quote)

Andy Schmidt: Do you want to do a Civil War tie in?

Me: Yes

AS: So, what will it be?

Me: I'm thinking Carol is registered and is training some heroes, they have to chase down another hero who won't register.

AS: Sounds good. Send me a list of characters you might want to use and I'll find out who's available.

Me: What about (list of 10 or so characters that haven't seen action in forever and a day), the Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman and Arana.


AS: You can use (a handful of the 10 I asked for), Julia and Arana.

Me: Groovy.

At that point, I went off and started writing. I was actually approved to use a few characters that I ended up not using, because once the story started taking shape, I realized I had plenty going on without them.

As for why I put Arana on the list? Same reason I had Gravity on the list at one point (he was not one of the heroes I was given access to) -- because she's new to the Marvel Universe. That's it. I needed someone who could believably go into what is essentially super hero boot camp and I wanted it to be someone who has had as few adventures as possible.

An aside -- an earlier version of the concept had heroes with more page count under the belts being put through training as well. They were going to be irked that they had to go through with the training when they'd been in the hero game for a bit. But that got dropped super early, when I realized I just didn't have room for that subplot and setting up those additional characters.

But, in the end, I ended up with this nice symetry - a young spider-themed hero who was just learning what it mean to be a hero and an older, more experienced spider-themed hero who knows a thing or two about how the world works.

With Carol in the middle, being forced to take down one hero while training the other... well, I'm pretty happy about how this arc has turned out so far (6 & 7 are done and approved, 8 is just starting work, for those of you playing the home game).